Steve here from
Grab this great directory submitter just for visiting us...FREE!
For Serious Marketers!
Directory Submitter! Better than ALL directory submitters currently being sold on the net… And it's yours Free! No registration required, no strings attached!

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This Directory Submitter Is SUPERIOR To Every Other Directory Submitter On The Net!
How this came to be….
One day I decided that I would see how well backlinks from directories pulled in comparison to other types of backlinks.
I never hesitate to buy software when I need it, even though I write software myself, so I did a quick search and found the top 2 leaders in the Directory Submission arena.
As I looked as these things, I found two things that were common to both… Both had a set series of places for you to post, and both told you that this was a good thing and went on to impress you with the number of places that their products could have you post in.
I do not agree with their point of view.
In no way do I see it as beneficial to have a set series of directories to post in…. unless you only intend to promote a domain a single time using the software you just purchased, and then just push it aside to collect dust until you eventually forget about it.
I don't care if you give me 400 or 4000 directories to submit to…. what am I supposed to do after I submit my domain to them?
Possible rebuttal — Well, you simply promote your other domains.
Yeah, that does indeed work for those of us who have multiple domains, but there are still at least one or two people on the net who only have a single domain… and as far as I can tell, those people are just screwed if they purchase those "use it once and trash it" programs.
Now, I don't usually rant like this, and I really hope that I am missing something important, but as I see it at this very moment, those products are too limited to be of any lasting value to the person who purchases them.
I certainly didn't want to spend my money to buy something that wouldn't even give me the flexibility to run a full scale test because it limits me to only posting on a few directories… So, I built my own style of Directory Submitter.
This Directory Submitter is not limited… in depth or scope. I created this software to use for my personal testing so that I would have fully unlimited ability to post to as many directories as I wanted, and as many as it takes to fully test my theory.
Now, I'm just like anyone else when it comes to quality… I didn't really want to be posting on directory sites that have no pagerank. I didn't go to extremes on this point, I just built in a quick method of filtering out pages below any specific pagerank (example, return only directory submission pages with pr5 or higher).
So when it was all finished, I had a Directory Submitter that will do broad search with or without pr setting, and could also do narrow keyword search with or without pr settings in order to continually find more new directories to post my listings in.
In short… I created the most powerful directory submitter available anywhere on the net (notice that I did not say that I created the prettiest or most polished… I said powerful.)
Well, once I finished it, and started to run my tests, I couldn't stop thinking about all of the people who were wasting money on a program that was limited to the extent that it was basically useless after a single run.
I first decided to polish mine up and enter the market as a competitor… and then I decided that I am just to darn busy to be getting into any new markets right now… but no sense in letting it collect dust on my hard drive after I finish testing, and no need to keep it to myself even if it works out to be the most powerful backlink generation software on the face of the earth…
The fact remains that I simply do not have time to sell it, and I don't feel right about just keeping it hidden, so I just decided to give it away for free.
If you want to use it, then use it…. if you want to give it away, then do that… if you want to sell it, that's going to be hard since this page is contained within the software and you are going to make some people mad… but hey, if you want to do that, then go for it.
You can do anything you want with this software as long as you don't reverse engineer it and screw with anything… Bottom line, leave it as is and do what ever you want with it.
Just consider it one of those rare things on the internet today… a free gift with no strings attached that is actually worth a lot more than any other similar product on the market.
– Download Now–
To your success
Steve (Web site co-ordinator)
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