Try it without looking at answers
1) Pick your Favourite number between 1- 9
2) Multiply by 3 then
3) Add 3, then again multiply by 3 (I'll wait while you get your calculator....)
4) You'll get a 2 digit number....
5) Add the digits together
Now scroll down..........................
Now with that number see what's your FAVORITE WEBSITE
is from the list below :
1. Google
2. Yahoo
3. MSN
4. YouTube
5. Windows Live
6. Facebook
7. MySpace
8. WikiPedia
10. Blogger
I know....Our site just has that effect on day you too will have a favorite Website .......... :-)
PS…..Stop picking different numbers. We are your favorite, just deal with it!!!!
Steve(Web site CEO),
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
6 basic tips to protect against cyber hacking
Keep Your Firewall Turned On: A firewall helps protect your computer from hackers who might try to gain access to crash it, delete information, or even steal passwords or other sensitive information.
Install or Update Your Anti-Virus Software: Anti-virus software is designed to prevent malicious software programs from embedding on your computer.
Install or Update Your Anti-Spyware Technology: Spyware is just what it sounds like -- software that is surreptitiously installed on your computer to let others peer into your activities on the computer.
Keep Your Operating System Up to Date: Computer operating systems are periodically updated to stay in tune with technology requirements and to fix security holes.
Be Careful What You Download: Carelessly downloading e-mail attachments can circumvent event the most vigilant anti-virus software. Never open an attachment from someone you don't know, and be wary of forwarded attachments from people you do know.
Turn Off Your Computer: With the growth of high-speed Internet connections, many opt to leave their computers on and ready for action. The downside is that being "always on" renders computers more susceptible to attacks.
To your safety,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Install or Update Your Anti-Virus Software: Anti-virus software is designed to prevent malicious software programs from embedding on your computer.
Install or Update Your Anti-Spyware Technology: Spyware is just what it sounds like -- software that is surreptitiously installed on your computer to let others peer into your activities on the computer.
Keep Your Operating System Up to Date: Computer operating systems are periodically updated to stay in tune with technology requirements and to fix security holes.
Be Careful What You Download: Carelessly downloading e-mail attachments can circumvent event the most vigilant anti-virus software. Never open an attachment from someone you don't know, and be wary of forwarded attachments from people you do know.
Turn Off Your Computer: With the growth of high-speed Internet connections, many opt to leave their computers on and ready for action. The downside is that being "always on" renders computers more susceptible to attacks.
To your safety,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Monday, October 6, 2008
SEO Web Design Secrets : Search Engine Optimization Tips for Beginners
By Peter Nisbet (c) 2008
SEO web design is a skill that can be learned, though most search engine optimization for beginners courses dwell too much on linking strategy as opposed to web site design per se. There are many ways for most normal people to get an improved search engine ranking, and secure a high search engine listing, and while linking is important, good on-site SEO is also necessary.
Although it might not seem like it, getting a good listing on Google or any of the other search engines is not as difficult as many like to claim. There are rules to follow, and if you play the game properly then the outcome should be in your favour. The tips provided in this article are not really secrets as such; although many people offer to divulge marvelous secrets to you, all they are giving you is stuff that people have been using for years.
So you won't get any secrets here. I have nothing hidden away that I don't want anybody to know, and if I had I wouldn't tell you about it! Would you? If you had some secrets that were so valuable that they were making you money, would you give them away free in an article like this one? Of course you wouldn't!
So here are my not-so-secret tips on getting a good listíng in Google and improving your search engine ranking. You likely know a fair bit about meta tags, and have been informed that most are not used by search engines. Well let me tell you something. If you 'Google' Article Services you will finds my website right at the top in the #1 position for that keyword. Check the description that Google provides right under the title: that is exactly as it is in the 'Description' tag that I have on the site. So don't let anybody tell you that Google doesn't use the Description tag, because they do. So do Ask and MSN (now Live Search), and Yahoo also uses it, but not the whole thing exactly as written.
The Keyword tag is another matter. Google isn't interested in what you tell them the keywords are: they decide the relevance of the page themselves from the text and Alt tags on the page. Google no longer needs keyword repetition to understand what you are writing about: they have the LSI algorithm now, that will determine the meaning of your page from the character strings it contains. The algorithm is programmed to calculate a relevance factor from the vocabulary you use in relation to the rest of the vocabulary on the page. However, back to SEO web design, and some search engine optimization tips for beginners.
In addition to the Description meta tag, the HTML tags you should use are:
1. The Keywords meta tag. Although little used it only takes a second to put in, and does no harm. There is evidence that some search engines might use it. The rest of the meta tags are pointless.
2. The TITLE tag. This is the title of your web page, and should contain the primary keyword for the page. Each page should be written round one primary keyword that relates to the subject of your website or niche.
For example, if your niche is costume jewelry, the primary keyword for your home page would be 'costume jewelry'. You could then have a number of 'silos' with a main page title for each. The title of one main silo page could be 'simulated diamonds' and the first page title of that silo could be 'garnets'. All of these are the primary keywords for their respective pages. Another silo could be 'colored gem stones', with that as the primary keyword for the main silo page, and that for your first sub-page in that silo could be 'citrine'. And so on.
Each page must have one primary keyword, and it should be included in the Title tag for that page. The Title tag does not appear in the body of the article, but in the HTML between the two HEAD tags in your html.
3. The H tag. These are heading tags, with H1 being the most important. The heading for each main section in your page should be contained within H1 tags, and many pages have only the one set of such tags. Subheadings, containing secondary keywords, should be contained within H2 tags, and so on. Thus, in the example above, the heading or your garnets silo could be could be 'Garnets in Costume Jewelry' in H1 tags.
After an introduction to garnets, you could then have an H2 heading containing 'The Source of Garnets: Where Garnets Come From', then another passage of text headed 'How Garnets are Cut for Costume Jewelry', again held in H2 tags.
4. The ALT attribute. Use 'Alt = ' within the Img tags of your images and graphics. This lets the search engines know what the graphic is about: search engines do not read graphics, and the Alt attribute offers you the chance to use your graphics meaningfully with respect to SEO web design.
Text Formatting
That's all you have to worry about regarding the HTML tags. Your text formatting can be used to emphasize to search engines what the important text on your page is. Thus, if you use bold text, underscoring or italics, they indicate the important words and phrases. Thus, use the < STRONG > and < U > html tags in your heading.
Write Naturally
Don't worry too much about your keyword density (KD), other than having too much. Too high a KD could harm you if Google thinks you are making unnecessary use of them. Write naturally for human readers, and not robots. If your text reads well and makes it clear what the subject of the passage is about, then you will be fine. In my writing I ignore the concept of KD altogether. I use my keywords as indicated above, and also in the first and last 100 characters on the page (or at least in the last paragraph somewhere).
Good SEO web design is not keyword fixated, but contains good contextually related vocabulary that the LSI algorithm can use to target the relevance of the page to the search term being used by somebody using the search engine to find information. That's all a keyword is: a term used by somebody looking for information. If you cannot work without a target KD, then I would go for a max of 1 not 3%)
None of these are web design secrets, and I doubt if there are any such secrets left any more. I suppose the only thing even approaching a secret here is that my description meta tag is copied exactly by Google in the listing for my #1 placed website. That allows you to determine how Google users see the description of your site in the listing.
I have several more SEO web design tips, but these will be the subject of another article. In the meantime if you implement these search engine optimization tips for beginners, then you should soon see an improvement in your website's search engine ranking.
About The Author
If you want more SEO web design tips, you will find Part 2 of this article with more search engine optimization tips for beginners on Seocious Tips 2 along with a free gift for everybody from me, Pete Nisbet of SEOcious.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
SEO web design is a skill that can be learned, though most search engine optimization for beginners courses dwell too much on linking strategy as opposed to web site design per se. There are many ways for most normal people to get an improved search engine ranking, and secure a high search engine listing, and while linking is important, good on-site SEO is also necessary.
Although it might not seem like it, getting a good listing on Google or any of the other search engines is not as difficult as many like to claim. There are rules to follow, and if you play the game properly then the outcome should be in your favour. The tips provided in this article are not really secrets as such; although many people offer to divulge marvelous secrets to you, all they are giving you is stuff that people have been using for years.
So you won't get any secrets here. I have nothing hidden away that I don't want anybody to know, and if I had I wouldn't tell you about it! Would you? If you had some secrets that were so valuable that they were making you money, would you give them away free in an article like this one? Of course you wouldn't!
So here are my not-so-secret tips on getting a good listíng in Google and improving your search engine ranking. You likely know a fair bit about meta tags, and have been informed that most are not used by search engines. Well let me tell you something. If you 'Google' Article Services you will finds my website right at the top in the #1 position for that keyword. Check the description that Google provides right under the title: that is exactly as it is in the 'Description' tag that I have on the site. So don't let anybody tell you that Google doesn't use the Description tag, because they do. So do Ask and MSN (now Live Search), and Yahoo also uses it, but not the whole thing exactly as written.
The Keyword tag is another matter. Google isn't interested in what you tell them the keywords are: they decide the relevance of the page themselves from the text and Alt tags on the page. Google no longer needs keyword repetition to understand what you are writing about: they have the LSI algorithm now, that will determine the meaning of your page from the character strings it contains. The algorithm is programmed to calculate a relevance factor from the vocabulary you use in relation to the rest of the vocabulary on the page. However, back to SEO web design, and some search engine optimization tips for beginners.
In addition to the Description meta tag, the HTML tags you should use are:
1. The Keywords meta tag. Although little used it only takes a second to put in, and does no harm. There is evidence that some search engines might use it. The rest of the meta tags are pointless.
2. The TITLE tag. This is the title of your web page, and should contain the primary keyword for the page. Each page should be written round one primary keyword that relates to the subject of your website or niche.
For example, if your niche is costume jewelry, the primary keyword for your home page would be 'costume jewelry'. You could then have a number of 'silos' with a main page title for each. The title of one main silo page could be 'simulated diamonds' and the first page title of that silo could be 'garnets'. All of these are the primary keywords for their respective pages. Another silo could be 'colored gem stones', with that as the primary keyword for the main silo page, and that for your first sub-page in that silo could be 'citrine'. And so on.
Each page must have one primary keyword, and it should be included in the Title tag for that page. The Title tag does not appear in the body of the article, but in the HTML between the two HEAD tags in your html.
3. The H tag. These are heading tags, with H1 being the most important. The heading for each main section in your page should be contained within H1 tags, and many pages have only the one set of such tags. Subheadings, containing secondary keywords, should be contained within H2 tags, and so on. Thus, in the example above, the heading or your garnets silo could be could be 'Garnets in Costume Jewelry' in H1 tags.
After an introduction to garnets, you could then have an H2 heading containing 'The Source of Garnets: Where Garnets Come From', then another passage of text headed 'How Garnets are Cut for Costume Jewelry', again held in H2 tags.
4. The ALT attribute. Use 'Alt = ' within the Img tags of your images and graphics. This lets the search engines know what the graphic is about: search engines do not read graphics, and the Alt attribute offers you the chance to use your graphics meaningfully with respect to SEO web design.
Text Formatting
That's all you have to worry about regarding the HTML tags. Your text formatting can be used to emphasize to search engines what the important text on your page is. Thus, if you use bold text, underscoring or italics, they indicate the important words and phrases. Thus, use the < STRONG > and < U > html tags in your heading.
Write Naturally
Don't worry too much about your keyword density (KD), other than having too much. Too high a KD could harm you if Google thinks you are making unnecessary use of them. Write naturally for human readers, and not robots. If your text reads well and makes it clear what the subject of the passage is about, then you will be fine. In my writing I ignore the concept of KD altogether. I use my keywords as indicated above, and also in the first and last 100 characters on the page (or at least in the last paragraph somewhere).
Good SEO web design is not keyword fixated, but contains good contextually related vocabulary that the LSI algorithm can use to target the relevance of the page to the search term being used by somebody using the search engine to find information. That's all a keyword is: a term used by somebody looking for information. If you cannot work without a target KD, then I would go for a max of 1 not 3%)
None of these are web design secrets, and I doubt if there are any such secrets left any more. I suppose the only thing even approaching a secret here is that my description meta tag is copied exactly by Google in the listing for my #1 placed website. That allows you to determine how Google users see the description of your site in the listing.
I have several more SEO web design tips, but these will be the subject of another article. In the meantime if you implement these search engine optimization tips for beginners, then you should soon see an improvement in your website's search engine ranking.
About The Author
If you want more SEO web design tips, you will find Part 2 of this article with more search engine optimization tips for beginners on Seocious Tips 2 along with a free gift for everybody from me, Pete Nisbet of SEOcious.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Lottery SCAM involving Toyota
(Not endorsed/promoted by Toyota)
A Scam is out and about on the net involving a promotion by the Toyota company which they have NOTHING to do with.
This is one of the emails that we have found:
ps..we have taken out the links and emails.
Toyota Car Promotions Department
2 Lansodowne Row, Berkeley Square,London,W1j 6h,United Kingdom
CVR-nr. 25554493.
This is to inform you that have been selected for a Cash prize of
twoMillion POUNDS ( £2,000 000.00 Sterling ) and a brand new Toyota Prius
carInternational programs held 2008 in London Uk. You can view our website
to view your car ***************************Description Of New Toyota
Car to be Shipped to you.
To begin the processing of your prize you are to contact your
claimsofficer through our accredited Prize Transferagents as stated below:
Mr. Brad Grahan
2 Lansodowne Row,
Berkeley Square,London,W1j 6h,
United Kingdom
Email: ****************
Tel: +44-702-403-0266.
When contacting him, please parovide him with your secret pin
codeTY7448500 and your reference number 799BV90.You are also advised to
providehim with the under listed information as soon as possible:
1.Name in full :
2.Address :
3.Nationality :
:5.Sex :
8.Present Country:
If you do not contact your claims agent within 7 working days of
thisnotification,your winnings would be revoked.
Winners are advised to keep their winning details/information from the
public to avoid fraudulent claim(IMPORTANT) pending the transfer/claim by
Accept my hearty congratulations once again!
Mr.Tedy Lee.Lottery Manager.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by *** - ****************
Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.6.9/1636 - Release Date: 8/26/2008 7:09 PM
To your safety,
Steve(Web site CEO),
A Scam is out and about on the net involving a promotion by the Toyota company which they have NOTHING to do with.
This is one of the emails that we have found:
ps..we have taken out the links and emails.
Toyota Car Promotions Department
2 Lansodowne Row, Berkeley Square,London,W1j 6h,United Kingdom
CVR-nr. 25554493.
This is to inform you that have been selected for a Cash prize of
twoMillion POUNDS ( £2,000 000.00 Sterling ) and a brand new Toyota Prius
carInternational programs held 2008 in London Uk. You can view our website
to view your car ***************************Description Of New Toyota
Car to be Shipped to you.
To begin the processing of your prize you are to contact your
claimsofficer through our accredited Prize Transferagents as stated below:
Mr. Brad Grahan
2 Lansodowne Row,
Berkeley Square,London,W1j 6h,
United Kingdom
Email: ****************
Tel: +44-702-403-0266.
When contacting him, please parovide him with your secret pin
codeTY7448500 and your reference number 799BV90.You are also advised to
providehim with the under listed information as soon as possible:
1.Name in full :
2.Address :
3.Nationality :
:5.Sex :
8.Present Country:
If you do not contact your claims agent within 7 working days of
thisnotification,your winnings would be revoked.
Winners are advised to keep their winning details/information from the
public to avoid fraudulent claim(IMPORTANT) pending the transfer/claim by
Accept my hearty congratulations once again!
Mr.Tedy Lee.Lottery Manager.
No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by *** - ****************
Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.6.9/1636 - Release Date: 8/26/2008 7:09 PM
To your safety,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
How To Build Backlinks via Google Alerts
By Titus Hoskins (c) 2008
Building backlinks is an essential, yet tedious job for most webmasters. Here are a few tools and tips to make that job just a little bit easier...
I am a member of many online forums. Most of these forums have to do with online marketing and site promotion. Recently, I came across a post on Ken Evoy's SBI forum that truly caught my attention.
It basically described how to use Google Alerts to build your backlinks. Now for those not familiar with Google Alerts a little explanation is probably needed.
Google Alerts
Google Alerts is a free program run by Google that allows you to keep track of any topic on the web. You select your "keywords" or "urls" and Google will alert you via email whenever links/ content containing your selected topics appear anywhere on the web.
It is an excellent way to keep informed about your domain or name. It is also perfect for keeping up-to-date on the latest information in your market niche or niches. It's also a great way to find out what other people are saying about you or your site.
For example: if you have a site on "antique cars" then you would create a Google Alert for those keywords. Google will alert you by email whenever a new link/content related to those keywords appears on the web.
This is a great way to stay informed in your niche, but it is also a valuable source of potential linking partners. Many of those links are blogs that will allow comments with a link back to your site.
Google Alerts will probably send you 10-20 links each day, depending on the popularity of your chosen keywords. Just go to these blogs/links and see if you can leave a comment with some valuable additional information on what's been discussed.
Don't Spam
Please Note: Don't spam; there are intelligent people behind most of these blogs, and they will recognize keyword spam when they see it. Your main goal should be getting targeted traffíc back to your site and any link PR should be secondary. Always put the reader or viewer first, especially if it's on someone else's site. Don't talk about your site or your marketing - just join the conversation and add your comments/opinions/suggestions...
Enhance their site and they will reward you with traffic and a link. But you still have to keep your interests in the equation! You have to make sure you get your targeted keywords in the anchor text.
Keyword Market
First, if you've done your homework, your main keywords should already be in your domain name or url. Another way is to add your "keywords" + "guide" to your sig or signature. Such as: Name, Your Antique Cars Guide. If you're an expert in your particular niche, many webmasters will kindly welcome your comments and links.
Since your main goal is the traffic, many webmasters don't worry if there is a "no follow" attribute attached to the link. But if you are concerned about this - one way is to look at the source code to see if it has the "no follow" tag. I usually copy the whole source code of the page to my text editor and then do a simple "no follow" search.
No Follow
There is also a great little free comment tool called "Comment Kahuna" co-created by Jason Potash which will search blogs and tell you if they have the "no-follow" attribute or not, it will also give you the PageRank of each blog post. If you're going to use blogs as a source of your backlinks, I suggest you try Comment Kahuna - it will make the task much easier and it's free.
Actually, while the "no-follow" issue may be a concern for some webmasters, the savvy ones will realize these are links/sites Google is actively indexing and spidering, otherwise you wouldn't get the alert in the first place. You must get your links into this whole mix of related, relevant sites to help raise your rankings. Also remember the other search engines may not even consider the "no-follow" tag.
Likewise, creating trackbacks are another way of linking relevant content. Keep in mind, a trackback is simply an acknowledgement via a ping signal that is sent from Site A (originator) to Site B (receptor). Then the receptor often places a link back to Site A showing its worthiness.
Again, I am mainly concerned with the quality of the blog or link, rather than the linking structure. I want the targeted traffíc, and it doesn't really matter whether the link has "no follow" because interested visitors only see a link they can click for other helpful information.
Other Linking Options
Since we are on the topic of link building, another useful way to build backlinks is to use Google Search or Google Blog search. Now if you're looking for niche-related blogs just type in:
"(Keywords)" "powered by (blog scripts)"
For example, if you're looking for some "antique cars" related links on WordPress blogs, you would search for:
"antique cars" "powered by wordpress"
And Google would give you a whole líst of sites on antique cars.
Now if you want to find the links that will allow comments, just repeat the Google search with:
"antique cars" "powered by wordpress" "leave a comment" -"no comments"
Remember the "-" means posts that have no comments will not be displayed.
If you're concerned with PageRank, Number of Backlinks, Alexa Ranking... of particular posts you can download and install the SEOQuake plugin. This handy SEO plugin can be attached to your browser and will give you helpful SEO information on the link or links you're viewing.
Used in conjunction with Google, it can sort thru all these blog posts and give you the ones with the highest PR? Highest traffic? Highest number of backlinks? The more knowledge you have, the easier and more effective your link building will become.
Just remember, finding quality backlinks is probably the most tedious job for most webmasters. It takes time and it takes patience. By using Google Alerts you can have relevant keyword related links emailed to you each day. Use this information to help build your backlinks in relevant related niches. Do this consistently over a period of time and your site will get noticed and ranked higher.
About The Author
The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites. For the latest web marketing tools try: Marketing Tools. Everyone is profiting from Google, find out how you can too! Google Cash File
Copyright (c) 2008 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Building backlinks is an essential, yet tedious job for most webmasters. Here are a few tools and tips to make that job just a little bit easier...
I am a member of many online forums. Most of these forums have to do with online marketing and site promotion. Recently, I came across a post on Ken Evoy's SBI forum that truly caught my attention.
It basically described how to use Google Alerts to build your backlinks. Now for those not familiar with Google Alerts a little explanation is probably needed.
Google Alerts
Google Alerts is a free program run by Google that allows you to keep track of any topic on the web. You select your "keywords" or "urls" and Google will alert you via email whenever links/ content containing your selected topics appear anywhere on the web.
It is an excellent way to keep informed about your domain or name. It is also perfect for keeping up-to-date on the latest information in your market niche or niches. It's also a great way to find out what other people are saying about you or your site.
For example: if you have a site on "antique cars" then you would create a Google Alert for those keywords. Google will alert you by email whenever a new link/content related to those keywords appears on the web.
This is a great way to stay informed in your niche, but it is also a valuable source of potential linking partners. Many of those links are blogs that will allow comments with a link back to your site.
Google Alerts will probably send you 10-20 links each day, depending on the popularity of your chosen keywords. Just go to these blogs/links and see if you can leave a comment with some valuable additional information on what's been discussed.
Don't Spam
Please Note: Don't spam; there are intelligent people behind most of these blogs, and they will recognize keyword spam when they see it. Your main goal should be getting targeted traffíc back to your site and any link PR should be secondary. Always put the reader or viewer first, especially if it's on someone else's site. Don't talk about your site or your marketing - just join the conversation and add your comments/opinions/suggestions...
Enhance their site and they will reward you with traffic and a link. But you still have to keep your interests in the equation! You have to make sure you get your targeted keywords in the anchor text.
Keyword Market
First, if you've done your homework, your main keywords should already be in your domain name or url. Another way is to add your "keywords" + "guide" to your sig or signature. Such as: Name, Your Antique Cars Guide. If you're an expert in your particular niche, many webmasters will kindly welcome your comments and links.
Since your main goal is the traffic, many webmasters don't worry if there is a "no follow" attribute attached to the link. But if you are concerned about this - one way is to look at the source code to see if it has the "no follow" tag. I usually copy the whole source code of the page to my text editor and then do a simple "no follow" search.
No Follow
There is also a great little free comment tool called "Comment Kahuna" co-created by Jason Potash which will search blogs and tell you if they have the "no-follow" attribute or not, it will also give you the PageRank of each blog post. If you're going to use blogs as a source of your backlinks, I suggest you try Comment Kahuna - it will make the task much easier and it's free.
Actually, while the "no-follow" issue may be a concern for some webmasters, the savvy ones will realize these are links/sites Google is actively indexing and spidering, otherwise you wouldn't get the alert in the first place. You must get your links into this whole mix of related, relevant sites to help raise your rankings. Also remember the other search engines may not even consider the "no-follow" tag.
Likewise, creating trackbacks are another way of linking relevant content. Keep in mind, a trackback is simply an acknowledgement via a ping signal that is sent from Site A (originator) to Site B (receptor). Then the receptor often places a link back to Site A showing its worthiness.
Again, I am mainly concerned with the quality of the blog or link, rather than the linking structure. I want the targeted traffíc, and it doesn't really matter whether the link has "no follow" because interested visitors only see a link they can click for other helpful information.
Other Linking Options
Since we are on the topic of link building, another useful way to build backlinks is to use Google Search or Google Blog search. Now if you're looking for niche-related blogs just type in:
"(Keywords)" "powered by (blog scripts)"
For example, if you're looking for some "antique cars" related links on WordPress blogs, you would search for:
"antique cars" "powered by wordpress"
And Google would give you a whole líst of sites on antique cars.
Now if you want to find the links that will allow comments, just repeat the Google search with:
"antique cars" "powered by wordpress" "leave a comment" -"no comments"
Remember the "-" means posts that have no comments will not be displayed.
If you're concerned with PageRank, Number of Backlinks, Alexa Ranking... of particular posts you can download and install the SEOQuake plugin. This handy SEO plugin can be attached to your browser and will give you helpful SEO information on the link or links you're viewing.
Used in conjunction with Google, it can sort thru all these blog posts and give you the ones with the highest PR? Highest traffic? Highest number of backlinks? The more knowledge you have, the easier and more effective your link building will become.
Just remember, finding quality backlinks is probably the most tedious job for most webmasters. It takes time and it takes patience. By using Google Alerts you can have relevant keyword related links emailed to you each day. Use this information to help build your backlinks in relevant related niches. Do this consistently over a period of time and your site will get noticed and ranked higher.
About The Author
The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites. For the latest web marketing tools try: Marketing Tools. Everyone is profiting from Google, find out how you can too! Google Cash File
Copyright (c) 2008 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Hackers/Scammers are trying again
Again the scammers/hackers are trying.
Don't!! click on any link from an email from PayPal or any other online banking
company saying there is a problem with your account.
If you get one of these emails and are worried about your account, use your web browser and login to your account and check the details you there is nothing wrong.
Again..never click on a link in an email if it involves a password.
To our safety,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Again the scammers/hackers are trying.
Don't!! click on any link from an email from PayPal or any other online banking
company saying there is a problem with your account.
If you get one of these emails and are worried about your account, use your web browser and login to your account and check the details you there is nothing wrong.
Again..never click on a link in an email if it involves a password.
To our safety,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Monday, July 21, 2008
Web Hosting that Pays You Back.
No hype....just facts:
-800MB business hosting package for $24.95/month.
-Get $10 per signup then $10/month/referral.
-Refer 3 and hosting is free, forever.
-Plug in cash machine sites ready to take orders.
-Can be setup to take credit card payments within minutes.
-Access to the Warriors Forum.
-Win free bahama's vacations
If you have to have a host anyway, why not choose one that pays
you back? That's the basis of our offer. If we help you make
your site profitable, there is a good chance you will stay
with us forever.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
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To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Does Your Web Site/Blog Need a Workout?
By Kalena Jordan (c) 2008
Here's an analogy for you. Yesterday, I was working my butt off in the gym on the cardio machines, panting wildly with sweat dripping off me and my face as red as a beet. Not the most attractive sight, but I figure, you're at the gym to work out right? I might as well "go hard" or "go home", as they say.
As I looked around me, I could see all these people simply going through the motions. There they were, minus perspiration in their shiny new lycra and expensive gym shoes, casually walking on the treadmill or lazily turning the wheels on a bike while reading a book or glued to the TV screens in front of them. Only a few seemed to be there for the actual purpose of working out. The rest seemed to be there to check out the talent or to simply keep up the appearance of fitness, while doing the bare minimum.
Huh? I don't get it. Why have these gym bimbos paid so much money for a gym membership and all the related gear if they aren't going to take full advantage of their investment?
Then it struck me - these gymbos were just like those companies who spend thousands of dollars on a shiny new website with all the bells and whistles like graphic design, blogs, shopping carts, web analytics, the lot and then fail to take advantage of it. I see it so often, regardless of company size. Web sites that could easily be bringing in loads of traffic and revenue simply wasting away because nobody can be bothered tracking visitor activity, analyzing trends or checking for search engine compatibility and usability.
These companies are simply keeping up appearances, investing heavily in Internet technology because their competitors are doing the same. But no thought has gone into the search engine compatibility of the site, how usable it is for visitors or whether it meets accessibility guidelines. They don't look at their site statistics, they don't check for broken links and they sure as heck don't investigate why their sites aren't converting traffic into customers. What a waste!
Is your web site working hard enough for you? Run it through the following 20 point fitness assessment to find out:
-Is your site fully search engine compatible? Are all your pages being indexed by the major search engines?
-Do you track your visitor statistics on a regular basis? Do you use the information provided by your visitor statistics to improve your site?
-Is your web site accessible to visually-impaired visitors? Does it meet the international standards set down by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)?
-Do you know which sites and search engines provide you with the most traffic? Do you use this information to improve your traffic further?
-Do you track the source of all reported errors in your site statistics and fix them promptly?
-Do you know which keywords your site was found for in the search engines? Have you conducted keyword research to determine what search terms your target markets are looking for so you can optimize for them?
-Does your web site HTML code validate to W3 standards? Do you check for validation regularly?
-Does your site contain zero broken links? Do you check for and fix broken links regularly?
-Has your site been fully search engine optimized to integrate your target search terms into your Page Titles, META Tags and visible page text?
-Have you created and submitted an XML sitemap to Google Sitemaps?
-Have you created and submitted a sitemap to Yahoo Site Explorer?
-Have you checked to see if your site meets Google's Webmaster Guidelines?
-Do you measure your visitor sign-ups and conversions on a regular basis? Do you tweak your landing page copy to improve the conversion rates?
-Is your site navigation intuitive and are your visitors following the navigation paths you intended?
-Do you encourage feedback from your site visitors and provide an obvious way for them to provide such feedback?
-Are there at least 250 words of text on your home page to satisfy search engines?
-Does your site contain a visible, text-based site map to aid user navigation?
-Do you have an ongoing link building campaign running to secure more incoming links to your site and improve your site's link popularity score?
-Does your site have a high percentage of repeat visitors? Are the majority of your visitors staying on your site for more than a minute?
-Do your search engine referrals and site traffic figures grow each month?
Unless you can answer yes to all the questions in the above checklist, your web site is not working hard enough for you and needs a workout. Get to it!
About The Author
Article by Kalena Jordan, one of the first search engine optimization experts in Australia, who is well known and respected in the industry, particularly in the U.S. As well as running a daily Search Engine Advice Column, Kalena manages Search Engine College - an online training institution offering instructor-led short courses and downloadable self-study courses in Search Engine Optimization and other Search Engine Marketing subjects.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Here's an analogy for you. Yesterday, I was working my butt off in the gym on the cardio machines, panting wildly with sweat dripping off me and my face as red as a beet. Not the most attractive sight, but I figure, you're at the gym to work out right? I might as well "go hard" or "go home", as they say.
As I looked around me, I could see all these people simply going through the motions. There they were, minus perspiration in their shiny new lycra and expensive gym shoes, casually walking on the treadmill or lazily turning the wheels on a bike while reading a book or glued to the TV screens in front of them. Only a few seemed to be there for the actual purpose of working out. The rest seemed to be there to check out the talent or to simply keep up the appearance of fitness, while doing the bare minimum.
Huh? I don't get it. Why have these gym bimbos paid so much money for a gym membership and all the related gear if they aren't going to take full advantage of their investment?
Then it struck me - these gymbos were just like those companies who spend thousands of dollars on a shiny new website with all the bells and whistles like graphic design, blogs, shopping carts, web analytics, the lot and then fail to take advantage of it. I see it so often, regardless of company size. Web sites that could easily be bringing in loads of traffic and revenue simply wasting away because nobody can be bothered tracking visitor activity, analyzing trends or checking for search engine compatibility and usability.
These companies are simply keeping up appearances, investing heavily in Internet technology because their competitors are doing the same. But no thought has gone into the search engine compatibility of the site, how usable it is for visitors or whether it meets accessibility guidelines. They don't look at their site statistics, they don't check for broken links and they sure as heck don't investigate why their sites aren't converting traffic into customers. What a waste!
Is your web site working hard enough for you? Run it through the following 20 point fitness assessment to find out:
-Is your site fully search engine compatible? Are all your pages being indexed by the major search engines?
-Do you track your visitor statistics on a regular basis? Do you use the information provided by your visitor statistics to improve your site?
-Is your web site accessible to visually-impaired visitors? Does it meet the international standards set down by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)?
-Do you know which sites and search engines provide you with the most traffic? Do you use this information to improve your traffic further?
-Do you track the source of all reported errors in your site statistics and fix them promptly?
-Do you know which keywords your site was found for in the search engines? Have you conducted keyword research to determine what search terms your target markets are looking for so you can optimize for them?
-Does your web site HTML code validate to W3 standards? Do you check for validation regularly?
-Does your site contain zero broken links? Do you check for and fix broken links regularly?
-Has your site been fully search engine optimized to integrate your target search terms into your Page Titles, META Tags and visible page text?
-Have you created and submitted an XML sitemap to Google Sitemaps?
-Have you created and submitted a sitemap to Yahoo Site Explorer?
-Have you checked to see if your site meets Google's Webmaster Guidelines?
-Do you measure your visitor sign-ups and conversions on a regular basis? Do you tweak your landing page copy to improve the conversion rates?
-Is your site navigation intuitive and are your visitors following the navigation paths you intended?
-Do you encourage feedback from your site visitors and provide an obvious way for them to provide such feedback?
-Are there at least 250 words of text on your home page to satisfy search engines?
-Does your site contain a visible, text-based site map to aid user navigation?
-Do you have an ongoing link building campaign running to secure more incoming links to your site and improve your site's link popularity score?
-Does your site have a high percentage of repeat visitors? Are the majority of your visitors staying on your site for more than a minute?
-Do your search engine referrals and site traffic figures grow each month?
Unless you can answer yes to all the questions in the above checklist, your web site is not working hard enough for you and needs a workout. Get to it!
About The Author
Article by Kalena Jordan, one of the first search engine optimization experts in Australia, who is well known and respected in the industry, particularly in the U.S. As well as running a daily Search Engine Advice Column, Kalena manages Search Engine College - an online training institution offering instructor-led short courses and downloadable self-study courses in Search Engine Optimization and other Search Engine Marketing subjects.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Monday, June 30, 2008
What Google Thinks Of Your Site
By Titus Hoskins (c) 2008
How Google views your site does matter if you want to succeed online because Google has become the dominant search engine on the web. It now has over 60% of the U.S. search engine market. In other countries around the world that percentage rises to 80% or more. In addition, the Google Brand Name has solidly permeated the popular psyche and any top rankings within Google will bring much weight and prestige along with all that traffic.
If you're a webmaster, you will already know how vital Google is to the success of your site, especially if you rely upon organic keyword rankings for your traffic. This free organic traffic from Google is highly desired by webmasters because it is extremely targeted and delivers high conversion rates.
In trying to reach the highest rankings possible, I (like most webmasters) have to be constantly aware of what Google thinks of my site and content. As a webmaster and marketer I have always geared my onlíne marketing towards Google. I have spent years building my keyword rankings within Google; if you take out the fact that it has nearly driven me insane, it has mostly been a positive experience.
This experience has also shown me it is indeed important for anyone to know how Google views and rates your site or content. The more knowledge you have, the better able you will be to tackle any obstacles and challenges that will come your way.
SERPs Is The Only Opinion That Counts
And like most webmasters, I try to find out as much about Google as is humanly possible, but Google doesn't give up its secrets easily. In fact, many webmasters would argue the only true opinion Google has of your site is shown in their SERPs - if your keywords/pages are ranked in the number one spots in Google's "Search Engine Results Pages" then Google must think your site or content deserves to be there.
However, there are other ways of finding out how Google is viewing your content. Below are several Google webmaster tools and things you can do to discover just how Google views your site or pages. They will give you a better picture of what Google thinks about your site.
Checking Your Content/Keywords In Google
One handy tool that will show you what Google thinks your pages consist of is located here:
Just type in your URL and tick off website content and you will get a listing of the major keywords Google has for your content. If your targeted keyword or keywords are not listed, then you have to do some re-writing.
Checking Your Backlinks In Google
If you want to find out how many backlinks your site has in Google, just open up Google Search and type in:
and it will show you the number of backlinks you have.
Since Google doesn't give you all your existing backlinks, many webmasters also use Yahoo! to find a more exact number of links your site has on the web.
Just open Yahoo! and type in: linkdomain:yourURL
Now whether Google is using or considering all these backlinks is the big question? Finding the exact number of backlinks you have in Google has always been a problem because Google is not giving you the exact number or at least this is the general opinion of most SEO experts.
Another way I monitor my links in Google is to place quotation marks around my site name or my name "bizwaremagic" or "titus hoskins" and do a search in Google. This gives me the pages containing references to me or my site. This is usually 50,000 to 100,000 pages, I have also noticed my online income usually correlates as this number goes up or down.
Checking Your Indexed Pages In Google
Obviously, it is very important for you to know what content the search engines have indexed from your site. You can also check to see how your links are displayed and to see if any titles or descriptions are missing from your pages.
You can see how many of your pages are indexed in Google by using the site command.
Just type into Google Search:
A little while back, having your pages indexed in Google's Supplemental Index caused webmasters much stress as it seemed Google was judging these pages as "second class" pages. Since then, Google no longer uses the Supplementary Label in grading pages but that doesn't mean a supplementary index doesn't exist; just that Google has promised to crawl and consider these pages as well in any search query.
Checking Your Google Cache
You can also check to see the Google Cache of your site by using the cache command. You will also discover when it was last retrieved.
Just type into Google Search:
Checking Your PageRank Within Google
Another tricky issue is PageRank. This is supposed to be the heart of Google's ranking system created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin; each link is considered a "vote" for your page and the higher the number of "votes" you have, the higher the PR your page receives. However, again Google is using "smoke and mirrors" to conceal your true PageRank mainly to cut out abuse and manipulation of their results. Some experts say PageRank still counts, other say it doesn't.
You can check your Google PageRank here:
From my own experiences, I have receíved more traffic when my site was at PR4 than I receíved when it was at PR6. What's important is getting high rankings for your targeted keywords... if you get top spots, it doesn't matter if your main index page (site) is PR4 or PR6, you'll still get the same amount of traffic. In other words, don't become too fixated on PageRank because Google in many cases is not letting you see the true PR of a webpage.
I would like to add one point to the whole PageRank issue and that has to do with perception. If you're running an online business, then having a PR8 site does matter for it will bring in more business and customers (especially if you're in the SEO industry) mainly because of the "perceived value" of your site or business.
What Google thinks does matter!
In other words, what Google thinks of your site can play a major role in your success. Mainly because, like it or hate it, Google has become the supreme authority on the web and what they say, counts. Therefore, you should always be paying special attention to just what Google is saying about your site and acting upon that knowledge accordingly.
About The Author
The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites. For the latest web marketing tools try: Marketing Tools. Everyone is profiting from Google, find out how you can too! Clíck here: Google Cash File
Copyright (c) 2008 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
How Google views your site does matter if you want to succeed online because Google has become the dominant search engine on the web. It now has over 60% of the U.S. search engine market. In other countries around the world that percentage rises to 80% or more. In addition, the Google Brand Name has solidly permeated the popular psyche and any top rankings within Google will bring much weight and prestige along with all that traffic.
If you're a webmaster, you will already know how vital Google is to the success of your site, especially if you rely upon organic keyword rankings for your traffic. This free organic traffic from Google is highly desired by webmasters because it is extremely targeted and delivers high conversion rates.
In trying to reach the highest rankings possible, I (like most webmasters) have to be constantly aware of what Google thinks of my site and content. As a webmaster and marketer I have always geared my onlíne marketing towards Google. I have spent years building my keyword rankings within Google; if you take out the fact that it has nearly driven me insane, it has mostly been a positive experience.
This experience has also shown me it is indeed important for anyone to know how Google views and rates your site or content. The more knowledge you have, the better able you will be to tackle any obstacles and challenges that will come your way.
SERPs Is The Only Opinion That Counts
And like most webmasters, I try to find out as much about Google as is humanly possible, but Google doesn't give up its secrets easily. In fact, many webmasters would argue the only true opinion Google has of your site is shown in their SERPs - if your keywords/pages are ranked in the number one spots in Google's "Search Engine Results Pages" then Google must think your site or content deserves to be there.
However, there are other ways of finding out how Google is viewing your content. Below are several Google webmaster tools and things you can do to discover just how Google views your site or pages. They will give you a better picture of what Google thinks about your site.
Checking Your Content/Keywords In Google
One handy tool that will show you what Google thinks your pages consist of is located here:
Just type in your URL and tick off website content and you will get a listing of the major keywords Google has for your content. If your targeted keyword or keywords are not listed, then you have to do some re-writing.
Checking Your Backlinks In Google
If you want to find out how many backlinks your site has in Google, just open up Google Search and type in:
and it will show you the number of backlinks you have.
Since Google doesn't give you all your existing backlinks, many webmasters also use Yahoo! to find a more exact number of links your site has on the web.
Just open Yahoo! and type in: linkdomain:yourURL
Now whether Google is using or considering all these backlinks is the big question? Finding the exact number of backlinks you have in Google has always been a problem because Google is not giving you the exact number or at least this is the general opinion of most SEO experts.
Another way I monitor my links in Google is to place quotation marks around my site name or my name "bizwaremagic" or "titus hoskins" and do a search in Google. This gives me the pages containing references to me or my site. This is usually 50,000 to 100,000 pages, I have also noticed my online income usually correlates as this number goes up or down.
Checking Your Indexed Pages In Google
Obviously, it is very important for you to know what content the search engines have indexed from your site. You can also check to see how your links are displayed and to see if any titles or descriptions are missing from your pages.
You can see how many of your pages are indexed in Google by using the site command.
Just type into Google Search:
A little while back, having your pages indexed in Google's Supplemental Index caused webmasters much stress as it seemed Google was judging these pages as "second class" pages. Since then, Google no longer uses the Supplementary Label in grading pages but that doesn't mean a supplementary index doesn't exist; just that Google has promised to crawl and consider these pages as well in any search query.
Checking Your Google Cache
You can also check to see the Google Cache of your site by using the cache command. You will also discover when it was last retrieved.
Just type into Google Search:
Checking Your PageRank Within Google
Another tricky issue is PageRank. This is supposed to be the heart of Google's ranking system created by Larry Page and Sergey Brin; each link is considered a "vote" for your page and the higher the number of "votes" you have, the higher the PR your page receives. However, again Google is using "smoke and mirrors" to conceal your true PageRank mainly to cut out abuse and manipulation of their results. Some experts say PageRank still counts, other say it doesn't.
You can check your Google PageRank here:
From my own experiences, I have receíved more traffic when my site was at PR4 than I receíved when it was at PR6. What's important is getting high rankings for your targeted keywords... if you get top spots, it doesn't matter if your main index page (site) is PR4 or PR6, you'll still get the same amount of traffic. In other words, don't become too fixated on PageRank because Google in many cases is not letting you see the true PR of a webpage.
I would like to add one point to the whole PageRank issue and that has to do with perception. If you're running an online business, then having a PR8 site does matter for it will bring in more business and customers (especially if you're in the SEO industry) mainly because of the "perceived value" of your site or business.
What Google thinks does matter!
In other words, what Google thinks of your site can play a major role in your success. Mainly because, like it or hate it, Google has become the supreme authority on the web and what they say, counts. Therefore, you should always be paying special attention to just what Google is saying about your site and acting upon that knowledge accordingly.
About The Author
The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites. For the latest web marketing tools try: Marketing Tools. Everyone is profiting from Google, find out how you can too! Clíck here: Google Cash File
Copyright (c) 2008 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Free software to store your logins,passwords,tracking url's,etc

Affiliate Id Manager will allow you to store not only your login/usernames and passwords as most Id manager software does but also all your affiliate links, cloaked
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Just click Affiliate Id Manager to go to the dowload page to get it.
This is a great program for a free one, so give it to your family, friends or send them here to download it.
Even give it away free to your own prospects as a gift.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Do This and OWN Google's Top Spots!
By Michael Small (c) 2008
Ranking well on Google takes two things, good content and great links. But it's not an even split. Because Google assumes only a page with good content would get great inbound links it puts about 70% of the importance for ranking on links and only about 30% on content. That little tidbit alone will put you head and shoulders above all those competitors still messing with META tags and spamming keywords. But if you want a huge advantage over the rest of your competition, keep reading. I'm about to show you how the pros do it and win every time.
Part 1: Perfect Your Anchor Text
So just what is anchor text and why is it important? Anchor text is the clickable word or words that make up the hyperlink. You've seen anchor text a million times (the underlined words that are typically blue.) Google figures any words special enough to be used as a guide in a link are extra valuable, which makes anchor text extremely important for you to use properly.
Just how powerful is anchor text? More than most people dream. Try an experiment. Go to Google and search for "clíck here" (without quotes.) The top match for years has been a page for Adobe Acrobat Reader. So does that Adobe page have "clíck here" copied 50 times in the text? No. In fact "clíck here" does not even appear on the page a single time! Does it have "clíck here" embedded in its META tags. No; again, not even once.
So how can it possibly rank number 1 on Google for a term it doesn't even reference? Because of the thousands of Webpages that use "clíck here" as the anchor text linking to Adobe's free download of Acrobat Reader.
By the way, did you happen to notice how many pages Adobe beat out for a term they didn't optimize themselves for? Almost Two Billion! So yes, I have to say anchor text is extremely powerful.
Part 2: Build Linking Consistency
Most people don't realize that even though and lead to the same Wikipedia homepage, they are seen as two different links by Google. Let's take it a step further. If you keep the "www" and lose the "http", you have another link that goes to the same place but is treated as unique by Google.
All that said; be as consistent as possible when requesting links. Find one format and stick to it. One hundred inbound links to the exact same URL is much better than 25 links each, using four different URLs that lead to the same place.
Part 3: PageRank Leads to Page Rank
Google's PageRank algorithm can make or break your search engine optimization efforts and plays a big part in your eventual Webpage rankings. So PageRank and page rank? Here's a tip to end the confusion. When you see the single word "PageRank" it is referring to a trademarked name that Google owns. PageRank is a unit of measurement that Google developed, and uses to determine the value of a Webpage. When you see the words "page rank" we are merely talking about how a Webpage ranks, or is positioned on a search engine for a given keyword.
So how does it work? A page with a GPR of 6 is considered very important by Google, while a page with a GPR of 0 is not so much. If you get links from pages with high GPRs, you will build your PageRank. If you get links from pages with no GPR, they can still help you but do not lend any additional PageRank credibility.
Higher GPR leads to more credibility with Google and possibly becoming what they consider to be an "authority" which can double your top placements, literally. To see what I mean, search for "cats" on Google (without quotes.) The number 1 match is and references furry little felines. The number 2 match is also from Wikipedia but is about a Broadway musical.
So what? Notice how that second match is indented? That means it was not meant to be number 2 and might have actually been number 10 or 16 or more. But since is what Google considers an authority, it get's little bumps like this. Pretty nice huh? And trust me, you don't have to be Wikipedia to become an authority. Everything you need is in this article. I've done it many times.
There are different ways to see a page's GPR. If you don't already have it, visit Google and download their "Google Toolbar." It will show you the GPR of any page on the Web.
Part 4: Use the Best Tools
Last but not least, SEO is like anything else, if you use the best tools for the job your results will be faster, better and longer lasting.
Back in the day, search engine optimization professionals and do it yourselfers had to do everything by hand. It took forever and one simple mistake could mean weeks of work down the drain. Today however, there are plenty of software tools to help get the job done in a fraction of the time. Just find the BEST one for what you want to accomplish.
For our particular needs, we're looking for an app than can help with linking and build our "authority" status and check ranking progress. Over the past six or so years I've used nearly a dozen pieces of software claiming to be the best. Some were pretty good. Others were a waste. The one I most often recommend to my SEO seminar students is SEO Elite because it gets fantastic results and is one of the most affordable options at $167.
Even if you're not ready for a tool, you might want to check out the above link and go through some of the video tutorials. They show you how to find "authority" link partners, get special insights on anchor text and how to best spy on your competition.
That's it for now. Good luck and keep at it!
About The Author
Michael Small is the founder of free SEO (search engine optimization) site and author of numerous search engine optimization books and whitepapers including the SEO Notebook.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Ranking well on Google takes two things, good content and great links. But it's not an even split. Because Google assumes only a page with good content would get great inbound links it puts about 70% of the importance for ranking on links and only about 30% on content. That little tidbit alone will put you head and shoulders above all those competitors still messing with META tags and spamming keywords. But if you want a huge advantage over the rest of your competition, keep reading. I'm about to show you how the pros do it and win every time.
Part 1: Perfect Your Anchor Text
So just what is anchor text and why is it important? Anchor text is the clickable word or words that make up the hyperlink. You've seen anchor text a million times (the underlined words that are typically blue.) Google figures any words special enough to be used as a guide in a link are extra valuable, which makes anchor text extremely important for you to use properly.
Just how powerful is anchor text? More than most people dream. Try an experiment. Go to Google and search for "clíck here" (without quotes.) The top match for years has been a page for Adobe Acrobat Reader. So does that Adobe page have "clíck here" copied 50 times in the text? No. In fact "clíck here" does not even appear on the page a single time! Does it have "clíck here" embedded in its META tags. No; again, not even once.
So how can it possibly rank number 1 on Google for a term it doesn't even reference? Because of the thousands of Webpages that use "clíck here" as the anchor text linking to Adobe's free download of Acrobat Reader.
By the way, did you happen to notice how many pages Adobe beat out for a term they didn't optimize themselves for? Almost Two Billion! So yes, I have to say anchor text is extremely powerful.
Part 2: Build Linking Consistency
Most people don't realize that even though and lead to the same Wikipedia homepage, they are seen as two different links by Google. Let's take it a step further. If you keep the "www" and lose the "http", you have another link that goes to the same place but is treated as unique by Google.
All that said; be as consistent as possible when requesting links. Find one format and stick to it. One hundred inbound links to the exact same URL is much better than 25 links each, using four different URLs that lead to the same place.
Part 3: PageRank Leads to Page Rank
Google's PageRank algorithm can make or break your search engine optimization efforts and plays a big part in your eventual Webpage rankings. So PageRank and page rank? Here's a tip to end the confusion. When you see the single word "PageRank" it is referring to a trademarked name that Google owns. PageRank is a unit of measurement that Google developed, and uses to determine the value of a Webpage. When you see the words "page rank" we are merely talking about how a Webpage ranks, or is positioned on a search engine for a given keyword.
So how does it work? A page with a GPR of 6 is considered very important by Google, while a page with a GPR of 0 is not so much. If you get links from pages with high GPRs, you will build your PageRank. If you get links from pages with no GPR, they can still help you but do not lend any additional PageRank credibility.
Higher GPR leads to more credibility with Google and possibly becoming what they consider to be an "authority" which can double your top placements, literally. To see what I mean, search for "cats" on Google (without quotes.) The number 1 match is and references furry little felines. The number 2 match is also from Wikipedia but is about a Broadway musical.
So what? Notice how that second match is indented? That means it was not meant to be number 2 and might have actually been number 10 or 16 or more. But since is what Google considers an authority, it get's little bumps like this. Pretty nice huh? And trust me, you don't have to be Wikipedia to become an authority. Everything you need is in this article. I've done it many times.
There are different ways to see a page's GPR. If you don't already have it, visit Google and download their "Google Toolbar." It will show you the GPR of any page on the Web.
Part 4: Use the Best Tools
Last but not least, SEO is like anything else, if you use the best tools for the job your results will be faster, better and longer lasting.
Back in the day, search engine optimization professionals and do it yourselfers had to do everything by hand. It took forever and one simple mistake could mean weeks of work down the drain. Today however, there are plenty of software tools to help get the job done in a fraction of the time. Just find the BEST one for what you want to accomplish.
For our particular needs, we're looking for an app than can help with linking and build our "authority" status and check ranking progress. Over the past six or so years I've used nearly a dozen pieces of software claiming to be the best. Some were pretty good. Others were a waste. The one I most often recommend to my SEO seminar students is SEO Elite because it gets fantastic results and is one of the most affordable options at $167.
Even if you're not ready for a tool, you might want to check out the above link and go through some of the video tutorials. They show you how to find "authority" link partners, get special insights on anchor text and how to best spy on your competition.
That's it for now. Good luck and keep at it!
About The Author
Michael Small is the founder of free SEO (search engine optimization) site and author of numerous search engine optimization books and whitepapers including the SEO Notebook.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Get Your Blog Google-Ranked In 30 Days or Less, Part 1
By Frederick Townes (c) 2008
Blogs have been around long enough to become standard elements of the web landscape. They're easy to construct and manage, they create fresh, user-generated content and, if well-executed, blogs draw crowds and the attention of search engines.
Whether starting out with a new domain name, or a domain that's been around for a decade, you can rank your blog on Google if you just do what Google wants you to do. So here are 25/50 tips to get your blog ranked by the world's biggest SE.
50. Build a blog or move to Wordpress.
Wordpress is a blog platform that's open source (free), robust, extensible and easy to use. Add Feedburner, which equips site owners to broadcast RSS feeds and develop user metrics. Next, synch up Google Analytics and a sitemap plug-in to simplify populating the blog and developing useful, actionable metrics. Also, make sure your blog is pinging and other social-ranking sites like
49. Don't worry about page rank.
PR is highly over-rated as a yardstick of online success. Connectivity within a web community and expansion through content syndication and guest blogging are more critical to building site credibility than page rank. PR will take care of itself over time if you do it right.
48. Make a difference, or at least have a clear purpose.
Differentiate your content on every post. Cover lots of editorial ground.
47. Use a conversational tone.
Dry, starchy academic writing is strictly for the textbooks. Write words that people "hear" instead of read.
46. Provide a "Tell Your Friends" link on your blog.
Birds of a feather do, indeed, flock together. So, if one of your regulars shares an interest in philately, chances are s/he has other friends with an interest in stamp collecting.
45. Study the competition. They're studying you.
Check out to do a little undercover work on search analytics employed by competitor sites and their visitors. You can't touch the content but you can't copyright an idea, either, so pick up some new paths of thought from others in your site's arena.
44. Remember SEO basics.
Use provocative, keyword-rich title tags, meta keywords and descriptions, and only link to high-quality sites. Never over do it. Keep your posts relevant, natural, accurate and, above all, current.
43. Don't stuff blog post titles with keywords.
It's a form of keyword stuffing and spiders hate keyword stuffing. The ratio in headlines should be 40% keywords, 60% non-keywords.
42. Submit your URL to blog directories.
There are "best of the web," and paid directories, like Yahoo, and free directories like the Open Directory project at Every directory listing is another link to your site and another way visitors can find you. Just google them to find more.
41. Create blog categories that contain keywords,
i.e., Ecommerce, SEO, Affiliates, etc. for use with a "site hosting" or "site design" blog.
40. Content quality counts.
Research topics about which target readers want to learn. Write something new, useful and relevant. And don't forget to regularly update older posts. Things change fast on the web so last year's "next big thing" is this year's hackneyed cliché.
39. Vary topics, content length, relevancy and posting times.
However, be consistent, as well. Keep blogging. It can take time for a blog to catch the notice of a search engine spider.
38. Get guest bloggers.
Add links from their blogs and establish your site's link community. There are people within your web neighborhood with opinions and good information. Contact them to invite submissions to your blog and your site in general.
37. Don't use duplicate content.
The only duplicate content that appears in your blog posts are quotes, and they should be identified with quotation marks.
36. Call posters by name.
If Bob M. from Athens, Georgia, posts to your blog, recognize his contribution with a "Thanks, Bob" at the end of your response.
35. Make friends with other bloggers in your commercial, business or NFP space.
Ask to become a guest blogger, or seek endorsements from the "names" within your site sphere.
34. Send a personal note to posters.
Not all bloggers have the time to do this but if you can send a personal email thank-you note to a poster, you've increased the chances of that poster becoming a member of your site community.
33. Encourage viral link building.
Take a stand. Introduce the coming paradigm shift in web commerce, provoke controversy. It sells. Just ask Ann Coulter.
32. Ensure the blog is optimized for Technoratti.
Claim your blog, set an avatar and pings, use tags where appropriate and be sure to ping various blog tracking sites.
31. Don't place ads on your blog, yet.
If you feel you must (you're seeing nice PPC revenues), determine that your site's HTML is optimized to position those ads at the bottom of each blog page.
30. If your blog isn't pulling,
have the code reproduced so it's as semantic, accessible and code-to-content optimized as possible. Also, hire a code expert to position content above ads or any other content in the site markup.
29. Ignore Alexa.
A lot of new site owners rely on Alexa for site metrics but remember, Alexa is a popularity metric since only Alexa toolbar users contribute data – and that's a less-than-universal test population.
28. Build credibility.
Publishing authorities on your site's topicality usually does the trick. Once blog credibility is established, identify trends, solve new problems and gradually expand the topic range of your blog.
27. Buy or build a screamin' hot blog design and submit it to design galleries.
Hire a site/blog designer, or bring your vision to fruition. This enables your blog to appear five or six demographic iterations from your home site, expanding the site's reach outside the immediate site community. This creates new marketing channels fast.
26. Develop some friendly contacts on social media sites
and participate in the community. Ask contacts to promote your blog content. Also ask for contributors. People love to express their opinions.
About The Author
Frederick Townes in the owner of W3 EDGE Web Design. W3 EDGE is a Boston web design company that specializes in search engine friendly design, Internet marketing and conversion optimization. Contact them today for a quotation and more information on how to make the most of your online presence.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO)
Part 2 scroll down
Blogs have been around long enough to become standard elements of the web landscape. They're easy to construct and manage, they create fresh, user-generated content and, if well-executed, blogs draw crowds and the attention of search engines.
Whether starting out with a new domain name, or a domain that's been around for a decade, you can rank your blog on Google if you just do what Google wants you to do. So here are 25/50 tips to get your blog ranked by the world's biggest SE.
50. Build a blog or move to Wordpress.
Wordpress is a blog platform that's open source (free), robust, extensible and easy to use. Add Feedburner, which equips site owners to broadcast RSS feeds and develop user metrics. Next, synch up Google Analytics and a sitemap plug-in to simplify populating the blog and developing useful, actionable metrics. Also, make sure your blog is pinging and other social-ranking sites like
49. Don't worry about page rank.
PR is highly over-rated as a yardstick of online success. Connectivity within a web community and expansion through content syndication and guest blogging are more critical to building site credibility than page rank. PR will take care of itself over time if you do it right.
48. Make a difference, or at least have a clear purpose.
Differentiate your content on every post. Cover lots of editorial ground.
47. Use a conversational tone.
Dry, starchy academic writing is strictly for the textbooks. Write words that people "hear" instead of read.
46. Provide a "Tell Your Friends" link on your blog.
Birds of a feather do, indeed, flock together. So, if one of your regulars shares an interest in philately, chances are s/he has other friends with an interest in stamp collecting.
45. Study the competition. They're studying you.
Check out to do a little undercover work on search analytics employed by competitor sites and their visitors. You can't touch the content but you can't copyright an idea, either, so pick up some new paths of thought from others in your site's arena.
44. Remember SEO basics.
Use provocative, keyword-rich title tags, meta keywords and descriptions, and only link to high-quality sites. Never over do it. Keep your posts relevant, natural, accurate and, above all, current.
43. Don't stuff blog post titles with keywords.
It's a form of keyword stuffing and spiders hate keyword stuffing. The ratio in headlines should be 40% keywords, 60% non-keywords.
42. Submit your URL to blog directories.
There are "best of the web," and paid directories, like Yahoo, and free directories like the Open Directory project at Every directory listing is another link to your site and another way visitors can find you. Just google them to find more.
41. Create blog categories that contain keywords,
i.e., Ecommerce, SEO, Affiliates, etc. for use with a "site hosting" or "site design" blog.
40. Content quality counts.
Research topics about which target readers want to learn. Write something new, useful and relevant. And don't forget to regularly update older posts. Things change fast on the web so last year's "next big thing" is this year's hackneyed cliché.
39. Vary topics, content length, relevancy and posting times.
However, be consistent, as well. Keep blogging. It can take time for a blog to catch the notice of a search engine spider.
38. Get guest bloggers.
Add links from their blogs and establish your site's link community. There are people within your web neighborhood with opinions and good information. Contact them to invite submissions to your blog and your site in general.
37. Don't use duplicate content.
The only duplicate content that appears in your blog posts are quotes, and they should be identified with quotation marks.
36. Call posters by name.
If Bob M. from Athens, Georgia, posts to your blog, recognize his contribution with a "Thanks, Bob" at the end of your response.
35. Make friends with other bloggers in your commercial, business or NFP space.
Ask to become a guest blogger, or seek endorsements from the "names" within your site sphere.
34. Send a personal note to posters.
Not all bloggers have the time to do this but if you can send a personal email thank-you note to a poster, you've increased the chances of that poster becoming a member of your site community.
33. Encourage viral link building.
Take a stand. Introduce the coming paradigm shift in web commerce, provoke controversy. It sells. Just ask Ann Coulter.
32. Ensure the blog is optimized for Technoratti.
Claim your blog, set an avatar and pings, use tags where appropriate and be sure to ping various blog tracking sites.
31. Don't place ads on your blog, yet.
If you feel you must (you're seeing nice PPC revenues), determine that your site's HTML is optimized to position those ads at the bottom of each blog page.
30. If your blog isn't pulling,
have the code reproduced so it's as semantic, accessible and code-to-content optimized as possible. Also, hire a code expert to position content above ads or any other content in the site markup.
29. Ignore Alexa.
A lot of new site owners rely on Alexa for site metrics but remember, Alexa is a popularity metric since only Alexa toolbar users contribute data – and that's a less-than-universal test population.
28. Build credibility.
Publishing authorities on your site's topicality usually does the trick. Once blog credibility is established, identify trends, solve new problems and gradually expand the topic range of your blog.
27. Buy or build a screamin' hot blog design and submit it to design galleries.
Hire a site/blog designer, or bring your vision to fruition. This enables your blog to appear five or six demographic iterations from your home site, expanding the site's reach outside the immediate site community. This creates new marketing channels fast.
26. Develop some friendly contacts on social media sites
and participate in the community. Ask contacts to promote your blog content. Also ask for contributors. People love to express their opinions.
About The Author
Frederick Townes in the owner of W3 EDGE Web Design. W3 EDGE is a Boston web design company that specializes in search engine friendly design, Internet marketing and conversion optimization. Contact them today for a quotation and more information on how to make the most of your online presence.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO)
Part 2 scroll down
Get Your Blog Google-Ranked In 30 Days or Less, Part 2
By Frederick Townes (c) 2008
Here are even more useful suggestions to put your blog on steroids without any blog-roid rage. Please read on.
25. Focus on ranking for three key words or phrases to start.
The keywords you select should appear in your HTML title tags and within the site's content when appropriate. However, watch keyword density levels. Anything above 5% starts to sound like gibberish. 2% to 3% keyword density provides more creative latitude for the content developer, and still lets bots know what the site is about.
24. Only purchase ad links on relevant niche sites.
This, by default, limits competitive links and delivers more qualified (knowledgeable and ready-to-purchase) visitors to your site.
23. Participate in your link community.
Forum and blog links are ephemeral, lasting a day or two as web fodder, so there's always the need for more green. Interact by posting to not only drive traffic with the link, but to also pick up another link from a credible site. All good.
22. Publish new content on weekdays.
Even search engines need a break. Actually, more people are online Monday through Friday so your latest blog post is still the latest when posted on Monday rather than Sunday. A little thing, for sure, but little things mean a lot online.
21. Write content for various experience levels.
For many spaces DIYs are the largest sector. Some readers are just starting out. Others have been at it for years and probably know more than you do, so post blogs to appeal to a broad range of skill sets – from green rookie to wizened old vet.
20. Cite the sources of your content.
This adds credibility to your posts. It also provides a trail for a reader interested in learning more about the topic at hand.
19. Focus on contextual relevancy before quantity of links.
Connectivity within a market or topic segment has more value than SEO anchor text, at least in the short term.
18. Poll your readers.
Everybody's got an opinion. Provide a platform to let posters and readers vote on a topic related to your site. It doesn't do any good if you run a retail outlet and poll visitors on who they'd like to see in the White House. Stay on topic.
17. Create surveys.
Surveys are more in depth than a poll. One survey you might want to try is one in which buyers rate the services and products you sell. Great marketing information. Consider placing a satisfaction survey somewhere on your site.
16. Write about popular brands or celebrities where possible.
It doesn't matter if you're blogging short sales in the market or clothing for the over-sized human, celebrity and name brands get picked up by spiders.
15. Find free stuff to give away.
Free still works on the web. There's lots of open source software (OSS), mortgage calculators, real-time stock feeds and other digital goodies that visitors can download free. Free is nice.
14. Answer questions on Google groups and Yahoo Answers.
People write in with all sorts of questions, some sure to fall within your area of expertise. By signing on as an authority in a field (your arena) you build credibility. Plus, it's fun helping others from the comfort of your own work station.
13. Add imagery and video content to your posts.
A picture is worth a thousand web words. Charts and graphs simplify complex information and don't take up a lot of room. If you aren't an artist, create a relationship with a freelancer. Don't use clip art.
12. Use QA sessions in your blog.
You're the expert. Also, invite guest bloggers to handle questions beyond your skill set. Helpful, simple advice keeps visitors coming back and makes you a guru.
11. Syndicate content outside of your blog.
Every site owner needs content. Fortunately, there's plenty of it free for the taking. Sites like, and are content supermarkets. Post your piece and pick up non-reciprocal, in-bound links for your effort. Content syndication increases link popularity.
10. Direct (future) page rank efforts to well-optimized content on your home site. Don't direct visitors and bots to the garbage bin of out-dated content stored in the site's archives. Point them to the new news.
9. Update or create a Wikipedia page and link to your site.
Another means of establishing yourself as an authority. Just make sure the Wiki piece is accurate, well written and typo-free.
8. Submit industry or topical news to general news sites.
Not just industry related sites. If a small oil and gas company brings in a gusher, it's of broader interest than to just industry insiders. Also adds credibility and another link.
7. Deep links or links to sub-pages are vital.
There's a tendency to link from a remote site to your home page. Not necessarily the best strategy. Consider linking to pages deeper in the site – pages related directly to your blog post. This way, visitors are in your site and less likely to bounce.
6. Respond to comments in your blog.
This accomplishes three important objectives: (1) it shows that there's a human behind the blog; (2) it gives you a chance to show your expertise; and (3) you can lead the thread in a new direction or keep the discussion going. Oh, it's also the polite thing to do, as well.
5. Cross link your posts.
Link amongst your related blog posts using the keywords you're optimizing your blog for as the anchor text.
4. Get linked alongside related blogs on other sites.
You can contact the blog administrator to swap links, you can become a regular guest blogger if your writing is good enough or your knowledge extensive. Niche sites are great for building blog links networks.
3. Bait your blog.
Post unconventional and controversial articles to create lengthy threads that, in turn, create site stickiness.
2. Be consistent into month two.
Keep the tone, style and topicality of your blog consistent for the first two months until spiders get it. Then, you can branch out to peripheral topics to expand reader interest.
1. Network offline.
Helpful networking tools include, and These sites provide real world contacts to simplify and streamline the process of networking. They're also useful in building beneficial online relationships - not to be overlooked. Also reach out using conferences that are available in your area and abroad.
The keys to building a successful, well-tended blog run the gamut from good content to good contacts, and from credibility to controversy. There are lots of ways to expand your blog community and develop quality rankings at the same time.
Once you've got all of this down your next steps are to begin monetizing your site.
So, blog.
About The Author
Frederick Townes in the owner of W3 EDGE Web Design. W3 EDGE is a Boston web design company that specializes in search engine friendly design, Internet marketing and conversion optimization. Contact them today for a free quotatíon and more information on how to make the most of your online presence.
To Your Success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Here are even more useful suggestions to put your blog on steroids without any blog-roid rage. Please read on.
25. Focus on ranking for three key words or phrases to start.
The keywords you select should appear in your HTML title tags and within the site's content when appropriate. However, watch keyword density levels. Anything above 5% starts to sound like gibberish. 2% to 3% keyword density provides more creative latitude for the content developer, and still lets bots know what the site is about.
24. Only purchase ad links on relevant niche sites.
This, by default, limits competitive links and delivers more qualified (knowledgeable and ready-to-purchase) visitors to your site.
23. Participate in your link community.
Forum and blog links are ephemeral, lasting a day or two as web fodder, so there's always the need for more green. Interact by posting to not only drive traffic with the link, but to also pick up another link from a credible site. All good.
22. Publish new content on weekdays.
Even search engines need a break. Actually, more people are online Monday through Friday so your latest blog post is still the latest when posted on Monday rather than Sunday. A little thing, for sure, but little things mean a lot online.
21. Write content for various experience levels.
For many spaces DIYs are the largest sector. Some readers are just starting out. Others have been at it for years and probably know more than you do, so post blogs to appeal to a broad range of skill sets – from green rookie to wizened old vet.
20. Cite the sources of your content.
This adds credibility to your posts. It also provides a trail for a reader interested in learning more about the topic at hand.
19. Focus on contextual relevancy before quantity of links.
Connectivity within a market or topic segment has more value than SEO anchor text, at least in the short term.
18. Poll your readers.
Everybody's got an opinion. Provide a platform to let posters and readers vote on a topic related to your site. It doesn't do any good if you run a retail outlet and poll visitors on who they'd like to see in the White House. Stay on topic.
17. Create surveys.
Surveys are more in depth than a poll. One survey you might want to try is one in which buyers rate the services and products you sell. Great marketing information. Consider placing a satisfaction survey somewhere on your site.
16. Write about popular brands or celebrities where possible.
It doesn't matter if you're blogging short sales in the market or clothing for the over-sized human, celebrity and name brands get picked up by spiders.
15. Find free stuff to give away.
Free still works on the web. There's lots of open source software (OSS), mortgage calculators, real-time stock feeds and other digital goodies that visitors can download free. Free is nice.
14. Answer questions on Google groups and Yahoo Answers.
People write in with all sorts of questions, some sure to fall within your area of expertise. By signing on as an authority in a field (your arena) you build credibility. Plus, it's fun helping others from the comfort of your own work station.
13. Add imagery and video content to your posts.
A picture is worth a thousand web words. Charts and graphs simplify complex information and don't take up a lot of room. If you aren't an artist, create a relationship with a freelancer. Don't use clip art.
12. Use QA sessions in your blog.
You're the expert. Also, invite guest bloggers to handle questions beyond your skill set. Helpful, simple advice keeps visitors coming back and makes you a guru.
11. Syndicate content outside of your blog.
Every site owner needs content. Fortunately, there's plenty of it free for the taking. Sites like, and are content supermarkets. Post your piece and pick up non-reciprocal, in-bound links for your effort. Content syndication increases link popularity.
10. Direct (future) page rank efforts to well-optimized content on your home site. Don't direct visitors and bots to the garbage bin of out-dated content stored in the site's archives. Point them to the new news.
9. Update or create a Wikipedia page and link to your site.
Another means of establishing yourself as an authority. Just make sure the Wiki piece is accurate, well written and typo-free.
8. Submit industry or topical news to general news sites.
Not just industry related sites. If a small oil and gas company brings in a gusher, it's of broader interest than to just industry insiders. Also adds credibility and another link.
7. Deep links or links to sub-pages are vital.
There's a tendency to link from a remote site to your home page. Not necessarily the best strategy. Consider linking to pages deeper in the site – pages related directly to your blog post. This way, visitors are in your site and less likely to bounce.
6. Respond to comments in your blog.
This accomplishes three important objectives: (1) it shows that there's a human behind the blog; (2) it gives you a chance to show your expertise; and (3) you can lead the thread in a new direction or keep the discussion going. Oh, it's also the polite thing to do, as well.
5. Cross link your posts.
Link amongst your related blog posts using the keywords you're optimizing your blog for as the anchor text.
4. Get linked alongside related blogs on other sites.
You can contact the blog administrator to swap links, you can become a regular guest blogger if your writing is good enough or your knowledge extensive. Niche sites are great for building blog links networks.
3. Bait your blog.
Post unconventional and controversial articles to create lengthy threads that, in turn, create site stickiness.
2. Be consistent into month two.
Keep the tone, style and topicality of your blog consistent for the first two months until spiders get it. Then, you can branch out to peripheral topics to expand reader interest.
1. Network offline.
Helpful networking tools include, and These sites provide real world contacts to simplify and streamline the process of networking. They're also useful in building beneficial online relationships - not to be overlooked. Also reach out using conferences that are available in your area and abroad.
The keys to building a successful, well-tended blog run the gamut from good content to good contacts, and from credibility to controversy. There are lots of ways to expand your blog community and develop quality rankings at the same time.
Once you've got all of this down your next steps are to begin monetizing your site.
So, blog.
About The Author
Frederick Townes in the owner of W3 EDGE Web Design. W3 EDGE is a Boston web design company that specializes in search engine friendly design, Internet marketing and conversion optimization. Contact them today for a free quotatíon and more information on how to make the most of your online presence.
To Your Success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
How to get more backlinks and content to your Blog.
Here is an article by Kenneth Koh from Leads Leap on how to get
more backlinks and content using Pingback/Trackback:
How To Use Pingback/Trackback To Get More Links And Contents For Your Blog
This post is about how to use pingback/trackback to get more links and contents for your blog.
If you have a blog, you probably have 2 important things to ‘worry’ about.
1) Finding/writing quality content to post to your blog
2) Getting quality links to your blog
Here’s a proposal on how you can have both at the same time!
Read more
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
more backlinks and content using Pingback/Trackback:
How To Use Pingback/Trackback To Get More Links And Contents For Your Blog
This post is about how to use pingback/trackback to get more links and contents for your blog.
If you have a blog, you probably have 2 important things to ‘worry’ about.
1) Finding/writing quality content to post to your blog
2) Getting quality links to your blog
Here’s a proposal on how you can have both at the same time!
Read more
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Make the Leap to Affiliate Marketing Success
Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy
Plug In Profit Site
If you are going to become a successful affiliate on the
Internet, you need 3 "intangibles." These are things that
must come from WITHIN you.
===> Intangible 1 <===
First, you must have a strong WHY.
Why must you make affiliate marketing work? What is driving
you? What is it that you CAN'T have in your life anymore
and/or what is it that you absolutely MUST HAVE now?
For me, I couldn't stand working 12+ hours a day anymore
and missing the experience of my children growing up. I also
absolutely HAD TO HAVE the freedom of being able to control
my life and finances through a little box that I could carry
with me anywhere in the world and not be tied to anyone's
time pressures or demands but my own. That was my carrot and
my stick. I felt a great pain deep in my gut of missing out
on my children's lives and the incredible freedom that
succeeding in this business would provide for me. I found my
why. You MUST find yours.
===> Intangible 2 <===
You must BELIEVE that it is possible.
If you don't believe that it's POSSIBLE for you to make
money with affiliate programs or make your living on the
Internet, you won't. It's that simple.
For me, figuring out that it was possible was just a matter
of realizing that many other people were ALREADY making
great money online. If they could do it, I could too. It
would just be a matter of figuring out what those people
were doing and then adapting it to my situation.
There is no shortage of undeniable PROOF that people
(millions of them) are making money online with affiliate
programs. Just get online and do some research and you'll
find countless testimonials and stories of REAL PEOPLE
making real money on the Internet. Or head to your local
bookstore and you'll find the same documented evidence of
this fact. Truth is, it's getting easier and easier to make
money online with affiliate programs.
I've always said that "affiliate marketing" is the job of
the future. In the "old" days, you had to go to a
potential employer, apply for the position and hope for the
best. Now you can simply go to any company you want, fill
out their affiliate application and start work immediately.
Affiliates are the new working class. Believe me, making
money with affiliate programs or making your living on the
Internet is WAY MORE than possible. It is pretty much (or
will be soon enough) unavoidable now. Affiliate marketing is
the "job" of the future that's already here TODAY.
===> Intangible 3 <===
You must be willing to MAKE THE LEAP.
Ready, FIRE, then aim... This is the operating philosophy
you MUST adopt to succeed with affiliate marketing.
That's backwards for most people who like to aim before
they fire. The fact is the Internet is a moving target...
The only thing constant about it is change. You need to stop
analyzing the game and simply jump into it. You can't learn
from the outside... You have to be IN THE RING to truly
understand it.
The lesson here is that you will never really be READY to
start an affiliate marketing business. You simply have to
start one. This is what I call "Making the Leap."
The good news is that the cost of failure on the Internet is
very small. In the "brick and mortar" world you need to
evaluate things very carefully before you decide to open up
a business. It's almost always necessary to invest
thousands of dollars to get an offline business off the
ground. However, on the Internet you can often start a
successful business for less than $100. The Plug-In Profit
Site is a great example of this:
Plug In Profit Site
You simply need get IN THE GAME... Each moment that you stay
"out there," you're wasting valuable time that you could
be learning and skills necessary to become a successful
affiliate marketer. In fact, if you're not in the game yet,
you're ALREADY behind the times. Make the leap to becoming
a successful affiliate marketer today!
About the Author:
Stone Evans helps ordinary people all over the world make
money online with affiliate programs. If you can follow 3
easy steps, you can get your own custom website,
autoresponder (email follow-up software) and pre-written
email marketing campaign professionally designed and
installed and ready to pull in profits for you in 24 hours
or less! See details at:Plug In Profit Site
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Plug In Profit Site
If you are going to become a successful affiliate on the
Internet, you need 3 "intangibles." These are things that
must come from WITHIN you.
===> Intangible 1 <===
First, you must have a strong WHY.
Why must you make affiliate marketing work? What is driving
you? What is it that you CAN'T have in your life anymore
and/or what is it that you absolutely MUST HAVE now?
For me, I couldn't stand working 12+ hours a day anymore
and missing the experience of my children growing up. I also
absolutely HAD TO HAVE the freedom of being able to control
my life and finances through a little box that I could carry
with me anywhere in the world and not be tied to anyone's
time pressures or demands but my own. That was my carrot and
my stick. I felt a great pain deep in my gut of missing out
on my children's lives and the incredible freedom that
succeeding in this business would provide for me. I found my
why. You MUST find yours.
===> Intangible 2 <===
You must BELIEVE that it is possible.
If you don't believe that it's POSSIBLE for you to make
money with affiliate programs or make your living on the
Internet, you won't. It's that simple.
For me, figuring out that it was possible was just a matter
of realizing that many other people were ALREADY making
great money online. If they could do it, I could too. It
would just be a matter of figuring out what those people
were doing and then adapting it to my situation.
There is no shortage of undeniable PROOF that people
(millions of them) are making money online with affiliate
programs. Just get online and do some research and you'll
find countless testimonials and stories of REAL PEOPLE
making real money on the Internet. Or head to your local
bookstore and you'll find the same documented evidence of
this fact. Truth is, it's getting easier and easier to make
money online with affiliate programs.
I've always said that "affiliate marketing" is the job of
the future. In the "old" days, you had to go to a
potential employer, apply for the position and hope for the
best. Now you can simply go to any company you want, fill
out their affiliate application and start work immediately.
Affiliates are the new working class. Believe me, making
money with affiliate programs or making your living on the
Internet is WAY MORE than possible. It is pretty much (or
will be soon enough) unavoidable now. Affiliate marketing is
the "job" of the future that's already here TODAY.
===> Intangible 3 <===
You must be willing to MAKE THE LEAP.
Ready, FIRE, then aim... This is the operating philosophy
you MUST adopt to succeed with affiliate marketing.
That's backwards for most people who like to aim before
they fire. The fact is the Internet is a moving target...
The only thing constant about it is change. You need to stop
analyzing the game and simply jump into it. You can't learn
from the outside... You have to be IN THE RING to truly
understand it.
The lesson here is that you will never really be READY to
start an affiliate marketing business. You simply have to
start one. This is what I call "Making the Leap."
The good news is that the cost of failure on the Internet is
very small. In the "brick and mortar" world you need to
evaluate things very carefully before you decide to open up
a business. It's almost always necessary to invest
thousands of dollars to get an offline business off the
ground. However, on the Internet you can often start a
successful business for less than $100. The Plug-In Profit
Site is a great example of this:
Plug In Profit Site
You simply need get IN THE GAME... Each moment that you stay
"out there," you're wasting valuable time that you could
be learning and skills necessary to become a successful
affiliate marketer. In fact, if you're not in the game yet,
you're ALREADY behind the times. Make the leap to becoming
a successful affiliate marketer today!
About the Author:
Stone Evans helps ordinary people all over the world make
money online with affiliate programs. If you can follow 3
easy steps, you can get your own custom website,
autoresponder (email follow-up software) and pre-written
email marketing campaign professionally designed and
installed and ready to pull in profits for you in 24 hours
or less! See details at:Plug In Profit Site
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Linking With Integrity-Getting One Way Links The Right Way
By Jerret Turner (c) 2008
It's just as important to know what not to do when executing a website linking strategy as it is to know what to do. With inexpensive linking software and services so readily available, there's a strong temptation to take shortcuts when it comes to getting quality links.
Avoiding these traps will help your search engine placements rise naturally and stay that way for a long time. In this article, I describe two ways that you can help yourself avoid being labeled a link sp@mmer.
Link Farms
What is a link farm? A link farm is any website designed and set up for the sole purpose of getting search engine spiders to crawl and index web pages. These websites provide absolutely no end user utility or benefit.
So how do you recognize a link farm? First, you need to ask yourself, is this site heavy laden with links? Most link farms will have a "farm" of links with little to no content. As for an explanation of the site's existence, it's usually missing too.
The next question you need to ask is, what does the URL of the site itself look like? Most of the time, link farms will have long, hyphenated URLs (i.e. our-great-linking- directory dot com). This is a generalization so not all link farms will have these types of URLs. Many of these link farms are generated using software. The software will go out and find a domain name that contains specific keywords even if it settles on something with several hyphens and numbers. You may still consider a long, hyphenated site for linking purposes but make certain you conduct more research before you submit a link.
Next, look at the domain name extension and note if it's .ínfo or .bíz. In order to sell these extensions, many domain name registrars provide a one-time, deep discount. I know of several registrars that sell .ínfo domains for 89 cents per year. These cheap domain names allow sp@mmers to generate thousands of sites at a huge discount.
The next criteria I use to help identify a link farm is what I call the "cheese factor". Although some link farms will look professionally designed, most are either 1) generated with software or 2) are designed with the same cookie-cutter, non-altered templates that fill search engine results. This is especially true with blogs. Sp@mmers and Internet newbies will not take the time to brand their websites or blogs. These are commonly referred to as "pump and dump" websites.
Another question you should ask is, does it look human? That is, does it look like someone hangs around and takes care of things? You should also be able to contact the webmaster either via web form or e-mail. If there's no contact information available anywhere on the website, be very afraid.
If it's a directory site, check out the links in a few of the main directory headings. Are the URLs hyphenated just like the main URL? If you visit one of these sites, does it look the same as the site you just came from? Are there more URLs crammed onto one page than anyone could possibly visit in a lifetime?
Last but not least, if you have your suspicions that a site might be a link farm, for any reason, stay away. It's better to miss a great linking opportuníty than to post your link and get downgraded in your search engine placements.
Non-relevant Links
When you're placing your links, you want to make sure that the site you're linking to has something to do with your site and, vice versa.
A non-relevant link is defined as a hypertext link placed on a website, or in a directory, that has little to no relevance to the linking site or directory. These links are placed for the sole purpose of 1) increasing page rank or 2) getting a website crawled and indexed or a combination of the two.
The most obvious way to combat not-relevant links, over which you have complete control, is the placement of links on your site. Avoid placing links on your site to another that has no relevance to your content; even if it's legitimate. Why? The link doesn't do anything for you or the person whose link you placed. On the other hand, don't ask someone to place a link on their site which doesn't relate to yours.
Google, Yahoo, and MSN all look closely at whom you're linking to and who's linking to you. In fact, Google's PageRank definition specifically states that link relevance (quality) is looked at more than just the link itself.
So what's the solution? As in researching a potential link farm, you need to check out the sites that you're linking to. If you're submitting your site to directoríes or article directories, make sure that you're submitting your content and links to the most relevant topics and sections.
Don't worry about getting an exact match in terms of relevance between your site and the linking site; just make sure that each site complements the other.
Know the Linking Pitfalls
In summary, you can be accused of being a link sp@mmer even if you think you haven't done anything wrong. To keep your linking strategy clean, I've outlined two specific techniques that will keep your site safe with the search engines.
First, watch out for unscrupulous link directories and sites (i.e. link farms). Use the techniques and ask yourself the questions I've outlined to recognize and avoid these harmful sites.
Second, make sure you're posting to relevant sites/directories/ articles/ blogs or wherever you choose to submit your content and links.
Most importantly, if you think you might get accused of being a sp@mmer, by attempting to use a linking technique you just read about or software you just bought, trust your gut and don't do it. Linking software creators claim that you can get thousands of back links with the press of a button or for only "$49". The only way to get good quality back links is to do the research yourself and hand-submit every single link.
If you avoid these two traps, you'll be well on your way to getting the links you need to get your website placed higher in search results and, as a result, generate more sales.
About The Author is a full service article marketing and link building firm.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
It's just as important to know what not to do when executing a website linking strategy as it is to know what to do. With inexpensive linking software and services so readily available, there's a strong temptation to take shortcuts when it comes to getting quality links.
Avoiding these traps will help your search engine placements rise naturally and stay that way for a long time. In this article, I describe two ways that you can help yourself avoid being labeled a link sp@mmer.
Link Farms
What is a link farm? A link farm is any website designed and set up for the sole purpose of getting search engine spiders to crawl and index web pages. These websites provide absolutely no end user utility or benefit.
So how do you recognize a link farm? First, you need to ask yourself, is this site heavy laden with links? Most link farms will have a "farm" of links with little to no content. As for an explanation of the site's existence, it's usually missing too.
The next question you need to ask is, what does the URL of the site itself look like? Most of the time, link farms will have long, hyphenated URLs (i.e. our-great-linking- directory dot com). This is a generalization so not all link farms will have these types of URLs. Many of these link farms are generated using software. The software will go out and find a domain name that contains specific keywords even if it settles on something with several hyphens and numbers. You may still consider a long, hyphenated site for linking purposes but make certain you conduct more research before you submit a link.
Next, look at the domain name extension and note if it's .ínfo or .bíz. In order to sell these extensions, many domain name registrars provide a one-time, deep discount. I know of several registrars that sell .ínfo domains for 89 cents per year. These cheap domain names allow sp@mmers to generate thousands of sites at a huge discount.
The next criteria I use to help identify a link farm is what I call the "cheese factor". Although some link farms will look professionally designed, most are either 1) generated with software or 2) are designed with the same cookie-cutter, non-altered templates that fill search engine results. This is especially true with blogs. Sp@mmers and Internet newbies will not take the time to brand their websites or blogs. These are commonly referred to as "pump and dump" websites.
Another question you should ask is, does it look human? That is, does it look like someone hangs around and takes care of things? You should also be able to contact the webmaster either via web form or e-mail. If there's no contact information available anywhere on the website, be very afraid.
If it's a directory site, check out the links in a few of the main directory headings. Are the URLs hyphenated just like the main URL? If you visit one of these sites, does it look the same as the site you just came from? Are there more URLs crammed onto one page than anyone could possibly visit in a lifetime?
Last but not least, if you have your suspicions that a site might be a link farm, for any reason, stay away. It's better to miss a great linking opportuníty than to post your link and get downgraded in your search engine placements.
Non-relevant Links
When you're placing your links, you want to make sure that the site you're linking to has something to do with your site and, vice versa.
A non-relevant link is defined as a hypertext link placed on a website, or in a directory, that has little to no relevance to the linking site or directory. These links are placed for the sole purpose of 1) increasing page rank or 2) getting a website crawled and indexed or a combination of the two.
The most obvious way to combat not-relevant links, over which you have complete control, is the placement of links on your site. Avoid placing links on your site to another that has no relevance to your content; even if it's legitimate. Why? The link doesn't do anything for you or the person whose link you placed. On the other hand, don't ask someone to place a link on their site which doesn't relate to yours.
Google, Yahoo, and MSN all look closely at whom you're linking to and who's linking to you. In fact, Google's PageRank definition specifically states that link relevance (quality) is looked at more than just the link itself.
So what's the solution? As in researching a potential link farm, you need to check out the sites that you're linking to. If you're submitting your site to directoríes or article directories, make sure that you're submitting your content and links to the most relevant topics and sections.
Don't worry about getting an exact match in terms of relevance between your site and the linking site; just make sure that each site complements the other.
Know the Linking Pitfalls
In summary, you can be accused of being a link sp@mmer even if you think you haven't done anything wrong. To keep your linking strategy clean, I've outlined two specific techniques that will keep your site safe with the search engines.
First, watch out for unscrupulous link directories and sites (i.e. link farms). Use the techniques and ask yourself the questions I've outlined to recognize and avoid these harmful sites.
Second, make sure you're posting to relevant sites/directories/ articles/ blogs or wherever you choose to submit your content and links.
Most importantly, if you think you might get accused of being a sp@mmer, by attempting to use a linking technique you just read about or software you just bought, trust your gut and don't do it. Linking software creators claim that you can get thousands of back links with the press of a button or for only "$49". The only way to get good quality back links is to do the research yourself and hand-submit every single link.
If you avoid these two traps, you'll be well on your way to getting the links you need to get your website placed higher in search results and, as a result, generate more sales.
About The Author is a full service article marketing and link building firm.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Friday, May 16, 2008
Grrr!! More ways to get Scammed....USB now!

To the point...
This is "Another" way to get scammed WITHOUT going online!
Looks like you have to be careful where you buy?
To our Honesty?
Steve(Web site CEO),

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Be Safe Online. It's about time someone did this!
Allow me to explain, I'll make it quick.
Our web-business,
is a proud member of a company called HONESTe-Online.
The president of this company has just written
and released a brand-new e-book titled,
"Be Safe Online."
It teaches consumers highly-unique tips, tricks
and secrets to be safe, smart and secure
while shopping on the "Wild, Wild, Web."
I am so thrilled to be able to give you a
"freebie" copy today!

This is a "quick read" written in
step-by-step format containing
some of the best tips you'll
ever discover.
I promise you've NEVER seen
anything like this before.
Give it a read. It'll take you
about 5 minutes and you'll
instantly feel safer, smarter and
much more secure when you
choose to do business on
the 'net.'
Just follow the download
instructions and grab your
copy right here:
Be Safe Online.
To your success,
Steven Robinson,
Web site CEO,
Our web-business,
is a proud member of a company called HONESTe-Online.
The president of this company has just written
and released a brand-new e-book titled,
"Be Safe Online."
It teaches consumers highly-unique tips, tricks
and secrets to be safe, smart and secure
while shopping on the "Wild, Wild, Web."
I am so thrilled to be able to give you a
"freebie" copy today!

This is a "quick read" written in
step-by-step format containing
some of the best tips you'll
ever discover.
I promise you've NEVER seen
anything like this before.
Give it a read. It'll take you
about 5 minutes and you'll
instantly feel safer, smarter and
much more secure when you
choose to do business on
the 'net.'
Just follow the download
instructions and grab your
copy right here:
Be Safe Online.
To your success,
Steven Robinson,
Web site CEO,
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Should You Send "Removes" back to Spammers?
Information from SpamHaus
Do you keep clicking "remove" links in spams, sending back "remove me" requests to spammers, yet your spam volume only seems to be increasing? Here's why.
Most spammers send out anything from 1 million up to 100 million spams every day to address lists scraped from all over the Internet, harvested from sites and insecure mail servers, stolen from millions of computers using viruses to grab the contents of users' address books, bought from other spammers, from spam address list CDROMs, etc. Spammers do not know which of the millions of addresses on their lists are real, which are working or not, they're simply spraying adverts at every address they can find.
Then you send the spammer a "remove me" message. Now he knows your address is real. And that's not all he knows...
By sending back a 'remove me' opt-out request you are confirming to the spammer that your address is live, you are confirming that your ISP doesn't use spam filters, you are confirming that you actually open and read spams, and that you follow the spammer's instructions such as "click this to be removed". You are the perfect candidate for more spam.
A live address is a valuable address, spammers sell live addresses at a premium as "confirmed deliverable" addresses to yet more spammers. If you don't want your address to end up on endless spammers' lists, distributed on spam CDROMs to spammers worldwide, do not confirm to the spammer that your address is real and working.
Never Opt-out of lists you did not Opt-in to in the first place.
No ethical or responsible company will ever send you unsolicited bulk email. Anyone sending you unsolicited bulk email, no matter how legitimate it may look, is a spammer. Anyone subscribing your email address to a mailing list without your explicit verifiable consent, sending you unsolicited bulk mailings telling you that you must "opt-out" or they'll keep sending, is in breach of all recognized Internet Service Provider policies and in breach of the law in countries where spamming is banned (Europe, Australia, etc.).
Never reply to spammers. Instead, help yourself and others by filing a spam complaint with the spammer's ISP. (if you don't know how to trace the spammer's ISP, use the SpamCop spam-reporting service to file spam complaints for you.)
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Do you keep clicking "remove" links in spams, sending back "remove me" requests to spammers, yet your spam volume only seems to be increasing? Here's why.
Most spammers send out anything from 1 million up to 100 million spams every day to address lists scraped from all over the Internet, harvested from sites and insecure mail servers, stolen from millions of computers using viruses to grab the contents of users' address books, bought from other spammers, from spam address list CDROMs, etc. Spammers do not know which of the millions of addresses on their lists are real, which are working or not, they're simply spraying adverts at every address they can find.
Then you send the spammer a "remove me" message. Now he knows your address is real. And that's not all he knows...
By sending back a 'remove me' opt-out request you are confirming to the spammer that your address is live, you are confirming that your ISP doesn't use spam filters, you are confirming that you actually open and read spams, and that you follow the spammer's instructions such as "click this to be removed". You are the perfect candidate for more spam.
A live address is a valuable address, spammers sell live addresses at a premium as "confirmed deliverable" addresses to yet more spammers. If you don't want your address to end up on endless spammers' lists, distributed on spam CDROMs to spammers worldwide, do not confirm to the spammer that your address is real and working.
Never Opt-out of lists you did not Opt-in to in the first place.
No ethical or responsible company will ever send you unsolicited bulk email. Anyone sending you unsolicited bulk email, no matter how legitimate it may look, is a spammer. Anyone subscribing your email address to a mailing list without your explicit verifiable consent, sending you unsolicited bulk mailings telling you that you must "opt-out" or they'll keep sending, is in breach of all recognized Internet Service Provider policies and in breach of the law in countries where spamming is banned (Europe, Australia, etc.).
Never reply to spammers. Instead, help yourself and others by filing a spam complaint with the spammer's ISP. (if you don't know how to trace the spammer's ISP, use the SpamCop spam-reporting service to file spam complaints for you.)
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Great Advertising site called Nexus Gate.
If anyone is interested, I just found an amazing site while surfing the net yesterday. I actually saw the banner on a well known site and decided to click on it. Let me tell you, I am so glad I did.
The site is called Nexus Gate and was developed by a guy named Shane Wilson. I know you may not believe this but he has actually researched over 300 of the best places to advertise your product, service or site. He has 20 reports now and more are in the works. The reports consist of:
* Banner Advertising
* Tool Bar Advertising
* Groups
* Forums
* Press Release sites
* Article Submission Sites
* List Building sites
* List Purchasing sites
* Miscellaneous Great Sites
* Pay Per Click Sites
* and many more
The best part is, every site listed in the above reports are the best of the best.
Not to leave you hanging, he also has a book called "Profit Generating Offers" which explains how to turn browsers into buyers. This is a perfect compliment to the reports because let's face, once we get the traffic to our site we need it to convert.
He also has an incredible affiliate program which pays out 90% commission per sale.
Look, you need to quit reading this and head over to Nexus Gate and see what I am talking about.
Nexus Gate.
I am on top of this advertising thing thanks to Nexus Gate and so should you. Do yourself and your business a favor, become a member at Nexus Gate right now before they close the doors.
Nexus Gate.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
The site is called Nexus Gate and was developed by a guy named Shane Wilson. I know you may not believe this but he has actually researched over 300 of the best places to advertise your product, service or site. He has 20 reports now and more are in the works. The reports consist of:
* Banner Advertising
* Tool Bar Advertising
* Groups
* Forums
* Press Release sites
* Article Submission Sites
* List Building sites
* List Purchasing sites
* Miscellaneous Great Sites
* Pay Per Click Sites
* and many more
The best part is, every site listed in the above reports are the best of the best.
Not to leave you hanging, he also has a book called "Profit Generating Offers" which explains how to turn browsers into buyers. This is a perfect compliment to the reports because let's face, once we get the traffic to our site we need it to convert.
He also has an incredible affiliate program which pays out 90% commission per sale.
Look, you need to quit reading this and head over to Nexus Gate and see what I am talking about.
Nexus Gate.
I am on top of this advertising thing thanks to Nexus Gate and so should you. Do yourself and your business a favor, become a member at Nexus Gate right now before they close the doors.
Nexus Gate.
To your success,
Steve(Web site CEO),
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Bit of Humour!
A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting on the poop deck, drinking beer and having a smoke watching my wife mow the lawn.
Cheryl from next door saw us and was so upset that she came over and yelled at me...."You lazy bum! Sitting there drinking beer while your poor wife pushes that ancient lawn mower around! Get up and give her a break!"
I thought "Women!" Took another swig from my stubby, wiped the cold foam from my lips, lifted my sunnies, stared directly at this nosey cow and told her in no uncertain terms "Sod off and mind your own business. My wife has green fingers, and she really enjoys gardening".
After a few days I felt really bad , so I went out and bought her a ride-on mower to show my sensitive side. I am so proud of the deal I got. I am also proud that my wife can now sit down while mowing the lawn. Yes guys, after all, we should take good care of our wives ... that way maybe they will take good care of us.

A couple of weeks ago, I was sitting on the poop deck, drinking beer and having a smoke watching my wife mow the lawn.
Cheryl from next door saw us and was so upset that she came over and yelled at me...."You lazy bum! Sitting there drinking beer while your poor wife pushes that ancient lawn mower around! Get up and give her a break!"
I thought "Women!" Took another swig from my stubby, wiped the cold foam from my lips, lifted my sunnies, stared directly at this nosey cow and told her in no uncertain terms "Sod off and mind your own business. My wife has green fingers, and she really enjoys gardening".
After a few days I felt really bad , so I went out and bought her a ride-on mower to show my sensitive side. I am so proud of the deal I got. I am also proud that my wife can now sit down while mowing the lawn. Yes guys, after all, we should take good care of our wives ... that way maybe they will take good care of us.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Eight Useful SEO Techniques Every Webmaster Should Know
By Titus Hoskins (c) 2008
Every webmaster should have some basic understanding of these simple SEO techniques if they want to achieve Top Rankings for their site. The more you know about these Search Engine Optimization techniques; the better your web pages will fare in the different search engines, especially Google.
Optimizing your pages for the search engines should be your main priority because conquering and dominating your chosen keywords is often cited as one of the major determining factors in the success of your online site or business. You must have a rudimentary grasp of how SEO can work for you and your site.
These simple SEO Tips will help you understand the basics and help you reach your online goals.
1. Title Tag
The Title Tag is located at the top of your html page and it tells the search engines what your page is about. When you open your page in a browser these are the words at the very top of the screen. Despite its simplicity, the title tag is crucial to 'on-page optimization'; it should include your main keywords and it should be 63 characters or less if you want your title to appear in full on Google.
Many SEO experts create web pages in a three-prong approach. They place the title in:
- the title tag - on the webpage itself - and in the URL for that page
Sometimes they will just pick the main keywords from the title and place them in the anchor url instead. For example:
2. Meta Description Tag
The Meta Tag contains the description for your web page. Your description will show up in all the search engines so you have to be careful to write precisely and objectively. It should be about 140 characters or around 20 words. Make sure to include your keywords but don't spam - don't repeat your keywords more than twice - using variations is helpful.
Keep in mind, successful webmasters make their descriptions stand out from the crowd and entice the surfer to click their link. It is also the first contact with your potential visitor or prospect so make a good first impression.
3. Anchor Tag or URL
The anchor tag is used to form links within websites or from site to site. This tag should have your title or the main keywords from your page title to be the most effective.
Anchor text is also important to know - these are the underlined, clickable text or words in a link.
If you want to check Google for all web pages containing your keywords in the anchor tags.
Just type into Google Search: allinanchor:yourkeywords
4. Finding Backlinks
One of the keys to higher rankings is building quality links from relevant, related quality sites. The search engines, especially Google, count each link as a "vote" for your site or content. Many experts suggest you include your main keywords in the anchor text of these inbound links in order to rank high.
If you want to find the number of backlinks your site has.
Just type into Google Search: link:yourURL
and it will give you the number of backlinks you have.
Google doesn't give you all your existing backlinks, so you can try Yahoo! to find a more exact number.
Just open Yahoo! and type in: linkdomain:yourURL
5. Checking Indexed Pages
If is very important for you to know what content the search engines have indexed from your site. You can also check to see how your links are displayed and to see if any titles or descriptions are missing from your pages.
You can see how many of your pages are indexed in Google by using the site command.
Just type into Google Search: site:yourURL
Another way to look at your pages in Google is to type in "http://yoursite" and "www.yoursite" with the quotation marks to see the exact number of listings for each.
6. Checking Google Cache
You can also check to see the Google Cache of your site by using the cache command. You will also discover when it was last retrieved.
Just type into Google Search: cache:yourURL
7. Finding Associated Keywords
Keywords are the heart of the Internet, you must dominate the search engines for your chosen keywords if you are to succeed online. So make sure you have your main keywords in the Meta Keyword Tag on your page. Many experts suggest you place your page's main keywords in the first and last 25 words on that page.
You must also be able to find and use variations of your keywords to completely conquer your targeted niche. To find what other keywords Google has associated with your main keywords, just use the tilde ~ command to find associated phrases in Google.
Just type into Google search: ~keywords
Variations will be highlighted in bold print.
8. Finding Titled Keywords
If you want to find competing sites that have your keywords in the title just use the allintitle command.
Just type into Google search: allintitle:yourkeywords
In summary, if used consistently, these basic SEO techniques should help improve your rankings and keep you in the picture with regards to your standings in the search engines. Your site's stats or raw traffic logs will also confirm the rise or fall of your keyword rankings. You must have complete knowledge of both your site and your keywords in the search engines, especially Google. Since Google will deliver most of your quality traffic, you must optimize for it and be aware of what is happening to your site and keywords within Google. This is yet another example where knowledge equals success.
About The Author
The author, a former artist and teacher, is now a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites, including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest web marketing tools try: BizwareMagic or MarketingToolGuide
2008 Titus Hoskins.
Steve(Web site CEO),
Every webmaster should have some basic understanding of these simple SEO techniques if they want to achieve Top Rankings for their site. The more you know about these Search Engine Optimization techniques; the better your web pages will fare in the different search engines, especially Google.
Optimizing your pages for the search engines should be your main priority because conquering and dominating your chosen keywords is often cited as one of the major determining factors in the success of your online site or business. You must have a rudimentary grasp of how SEO can work for you and your site.
These simple SEO Tips will help you understand the basics and help you reach your online goals.
1. Title Tag
The Title Tag is located at the top of your html page and it tells the search engines what your page is about. When you open your page in a browser these are the words at the very top of the screen. Despite its simplicity, the title tag is crucial to 'on-page optimization'; it should include your main keywords and it should be 63 characters or less if you want your title to appear in full on Google.
Many SEO experts create web pages in a three-prong approach. They place the title in:
- the title tag - on the webpage itself - and in the URL for that page
Sometimes they will just pick the main keywords from the title and place them in the anchor url instead. For example:
2. Meta Description Tag
The Meta Tag contains the description for your web page. Your description will show up in all the search engines so you have to be careful to write precisely and objectively. It should be about 140 characters or around 20 words. Make sure to include your keywords but don't spam - don't repeat your keywords more than twice - using variations is helpful.
Keep in mind, successful webmasters make their descriptions stand out from the crowd and entice the surfer to click their link. It is also the first contact with your potential visitor or prospect so make a good first impression.
3. Anchor Tag or URL
The anchor tag is used to form links within websites or from site to site. This tag should have your title or the main keywords from your page title to be the most effective.
Anchor text is also important to know - these are the underlined, clickable text or words in a link.
If you want to check Google for all web pages containing your keywords in the anchor tags.
Just type into Google Search: allinanchor:yourkeywords
4. Finding Backlinks
One of the keys to higher rankings is building quality links from relevant, related quality sites. The search engines, especially Google, count each link as a "vote" for your site or content. Many experts suggest you include your main keywords in the anchor text of these inbound links in order to rank high.
If you want to find the number of backlinks your site has.
Just type into Google Search: link:yourURL
and it will give you the number of backlinks you have.
Google doesn't give you all your existing backlinks, so you can try Yahoo! to find a more exact number.
Just open Yahoo! and type in: linkdomain:yourURL
5. Checking Indexed Pages
If is very important for you to know what content the search engines have indexed from your site. You can also check to see how your links are displayed and to see if any titles or descriptions are missing from your pages.
You can see how many of your pages are indexed in Google by using the site command.
Just type into Google Search: site:yourURL
Another way to look at your pages in Google is to type in "http://yoursite" and "www.yoursite" with the quotation marks to see the exact number of listings for each.
6. Checking Google Cache
You can also check to see the Google Cache of your site by using the cache command. You will also discover when it was last retrieved.
Just type into Google Search: cache:yourURL
7. Finding Associated Keywords
Keywords are the heart of the Internet, you must dominate the search engines for your chosen keywords if you are to succeed online. So make sure you have your main keywords in the Meta Keyword Tag on your page. Many experts suggest you place your page's main keywords in the first and last 25 words on that page.
You must also be able to find and use variations of your keywords to completely conquer your targeted niche. To find what other keywords Google has associated with your main keywords, just use the tilde ~ command to find associated phrases in Google.
Just type into Google search: ~keywords
Variations will be highlighted in bold print.
8. Finding Titled Keywords
If you want to find competing sites that have your keywords in the title just use the allintitle command.
Just type into Google search: allintitle:yourkeywords
In summary, if used consistently, these basic SEO techniques should help improve your rankings and keep you in the picture with regards to your standings in the search engines. Your site's stats or raw traffic logs will also confirm the rise or fall of your keyword rankings. You must have complete knowledge of both your site and your keywords in the search engines, especially Google. Since Google will deliver most of your quality traffic, you must optimize for it and be aware of what is happening to your site and keywords within Google. This is yet another example where knowledge equals success.
About The Author
The author, a former artist and teacher, is now a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites, including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest web marketing tools try: BizwareMagic or MarketingToolGuide
2008 Titus Hoskins.
Steve(Web site CEO),
Monday, March 17, 2008
You could safe a life
STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters... S.T.R.
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little
fall - she assured everyone that she was fine and
just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.
(they offered to call ambulance)
They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate
of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up,
she went about enjoying herself the rest of the
evening. Her husband called later telling
everyone that his wife had been taken to the
hospital - (at 6:00pm , she passed away.)
She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they
known how to identify the signs of a stroke,
perhaps she would be with us today.
Some don't die. They end up in a helpless,
hopeless condition instead. It only takes a
minute to read this...
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke
victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the
effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick
was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then
getting the patient medically cared for within 3
hours, which is tough.
Remember the "3" steps, STR . Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to
identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness
spells disaster.The stroke victim may suffer severe
brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize
the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander
can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S * SMILE-Ask the individual to SMILE .
(Coherently) (eg "It is sunny out today").
R * RAISE-Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS .
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks,
call (your countries emergency number) immediately!!
and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
NOTE : Another 'sign' of a stroke is
1. Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue.
If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to
one side or the other that is also an indication
of a stroke.
A prominent cardiologist says if everyone who gets
this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that
at least one life will be saved.
….and it could be your own…..
Steve(Web site CEO),
During a BBQ, a friend stumbled and took a little
fall - she assured everyone that she was fine and
just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.
(they offered to call ambulance)
They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate
of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up,
she went about enjoying herself the rest of the
evening. Her husband called later telling
everyone that his wife had been taken to the
hospital - (at 6:00pm , she passed away.)
She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they
known how to identify the signs of a stroke,
perhaps she would be with us today.
Some don't die. They end up in a helpless,
hopeless condition instead. It only takes a
minute to read this...
A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke
victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the
effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick
was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then
getting the patient medically cared for within 3
hours, which is tough.
Remember the "3" steps, STR . Read and Learn!
Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to
identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness
spells disaster.The stroke victim may suffer severe
brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize
the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander
can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:
S * SMILE-Ask the individual to SMILE .
(Coherently) (eg "It is sunny out today").
R * RAISE-Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS .
If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks,
call (your countries emergency number) immediately!!
and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.
NOTE : Another 'sign' of a stroke is
1. Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue.
If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to
one side or the other that is also an indication
of a stroke.
A prominent cardiologist says if everyone who gets
this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that
at least one life will be saved.
….and it could be your own…..
Steve(Web site CEO),
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Three Little Words That Work!!
(1) The three little words: "Hold On, Please..."
Saying this, while putting down your phone and walking off
instead of hanging-up immediately would make each telemarketing
call so much more time-consuming that boiler room sales would
grind to a halt.
Then when you eventually hear the "beep-beep-beep" tone, you
know it's time to go back and hang up your handset, which has
efficiently completed its task.
These three little words will help eliminate telephone soliciting.
(2) Do you ever get those annoying phone calls with no one on
the other end? This is a telemarketing technique where a
machine makes phone calls and records the time of day when
a person answers the phone.
This technique is used to determine the best time of day
for a "real" sales person to call back and get someone at home.
What you can do after answering, if you notice there is
no one there, is to immediately start hitting your # button
on the phone, 6 or 7 times, as quickly as possible. This
confuses the machine that dialled the call and it kicks your
number out of their system. Gosh, what a shame not to have
your name in their system any longer!!!
(3) When you get those "pre-approved" letters in the mail
for everything from credit cards to 2nd mortgages and
similar type junk, do not throw away the return envelope.
Most of these come with postage-prepaid return envelopes, right?
It costs them more than the regular postage "IF" and when
they receive them back.
It costs them nothing if you throw them away! In that case,
why not get rid of some of your other junk mail and put it
in these cool little, postage- prepaid return envelopes.
Send an ad for your local chimney cleaner to American Express.
Send a pizza coupon to the Bank.
If you didn't get anything else that day, then just send them
their blank application back!
If you want to remain anonymous, just make sure your name isn't
on anything you send them.
You can even send the envelope back empty if you want to just
keep them guessing! It still costs them.
The banks and credit card companies are currently getting a
lot of their own junk back in the mail, but folks, we need
to OVERWHELM them.
Let's let them know what it's like to get lots of junk mail,
and best of all they're paying for it... Twice!
Let's help keep the Postal Services busy since they are
saying that e-mail is cutting into their business profits,
and that's why they need to increase postage costs again.
You get the idea!
If enough people follow these tips, it will work ---- maybe
you'll get very little junk mail anymore.
To your success,
Steve,(Web site co-ordinator),
(1) The three little words: "Hold On, Please..."
Saying this, while putting down your phone and walking off
instead of hanging-up immediately would make each telemarketing
call so much more time-consuming that boiler room sales would
grind to a halt.
Then when you eventually hear the "beep-beep-beep" tone, you
know it's time to go back and hang up your handset, which has
efficiently completed its task.
These three little words will help eliminate telephone soliciting.
(2) Do you ever get those annoying phone calls with no one on
the other end? This is a telemarketing technique where a
machine makes phone calls and records the time of day when
a person answers the phone.
This technique is used to determine the best time of day
for a "real" sales person to call back and get someone at home.
What you can do after answering, if you notice there is
no one there, is to immediately start hitting your # button
on the phone, 6 or 7 times, as quickly as possible. This
confuses the machine that dialled the call and it kicks your
number out of their system. Gosh, what a shame not to have
your name in their system any longer!!!
(3) When you get those "pre-approved" letters in the mail
for everything from credit cards to 2nd mortgages and
similar type junk, do not throw away the return envelope.
Most of these come with postage-prepaid return envelopes, right?
It costs them more than the regular postage "IF" and when
they receive them back.
It costs them nothing if you throw them away! In that case,
why not get rid of some of your other junk mail and put it
in these cool little, postage- prepaid return envelopes.
Send an ad for your local chimney cleaner to American Express.
Send a pizza coupon to the Bank.
If you didn't get anything else that day, then just send them
their blank application back!
If you want to remain anonymous, just make sure your name isn't
on anything you send them.
You can even send the envelope back empty if you want to just
keep them guessing! It still costs them.
The banks and credit card companies are currently getting a
lot of their own junk back in the mail, but folks, we need
to OVERWHELM them.
Let's let them know what it's like to get lots of junk mail,
and best of all they're paying for it... Twice!
Let's help keep the Postal Services busy since they are
saying that e-mail is cutting into their business profits,
and that's why they need to increase postage costs again.
You get the idea!
If enough people follow these tips, it will work ---- maybe
you'll get very little junk mail anymore.
To your success,
Steve,(Web site co-ordinator),
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
New Internet Marketing Tools
By Titus Hoskins (c) 2008
New Internet marketing tools are coming online each and every day. Why should you care? Mainly because these new marketing tools can have a dramatic impact on your online traffic, leads and sales. So much so, your online competitiveness can greatly depend on you finding and using these new marketing tools before everyone else does.
And as Internet marketing grows more and more lucrative, it is becoming more competitive each day, so staying aware of what's happening has become vital to your online success. More importantly, if you're a full-time marketer like me, your livelihood will largely depend upon you being able to keep on top of all the new ways of marketing on the web.
With these considerations in mind, I would like to líst some new or relatively new marketing tools that have been effective for me in my online marketíng. Some of these are marketing software, others are SEO strategies, marketing tips and the like... all have helped me achieve my online goals.
Here are some new marketing tools you can try:
1. Real Link Finder
Neil Shearing's "RealLinkFinder" is a handy little link-building tool you can use to increase your link popularity and SE rankings.
It lets you find targeted blogs that don't have the "nofollow" attribute tag so your links will count in all the search engines. Great way to build targeted links related to your site's main keywords or keyword phrases. This is one "No Cost" link-building tool you should try.
2. Peel Away Ads
Simple ads which sit at the corner of any webpage, when a cursor hovers over the pulsating image - the page peels away to reveal your ad or promotion. Might seem a bit gimmicky, but like the pop-up or fade-in, they do work. You do get more sign-ups and sales.
3. Video Marketing
Using videos as marketing tools has now become commonplace on the web. If you're not promoting with videos, you are losing a large portion of the online traffic or surfers currently on the web.
Even using videos to explain your site or product will increase your conversions and sign-ups. Viral videos embedded with your links or site url can produce results when placed on YouTube or Google Videos. If you need help, one recent commercial product has been from Simon Grabowski (GetResponse) called TalkStream, which lets you put streaming audio and video on your sites. Just google to find it.
4. Social Media Bookmarks/Tags
One of the most significant changes in recent years has been the rise in importance and use of social bookmarking sites like Digg,, Technorati... these sites are now commanding huge traffic numbers and should not be ignored in your online marketíng.
You must connect your content with these sites. This is very simple to do since social media sites use tags, which are more or less simple keywords that help classify content and links. If you're using the popular Wordpress blog software, each category will be considered a tag.
You can create a simple tag in technorati by using this code: (ignore)
a href="[tagname]" rel="tag">[tagname]
a href="" rel="tag">new marketing tools
5. Add this Button
One of the easiest ways I have found to tap into the whole social media bandwagon is to put the Addthis button on your webpages and let your visitors bookmark your content for you.
This button is free and only takes seconds to set up on your pages. In case you're wondering if this button works, I recently received 70,000 visitors to one of my sites in one day from these social media sites. Granted most of this traffic is transitory and not permanent - the huge traffic numbers will only last as long as your links/bookmarks are on the front pages of these popular sites.
But where there is smoke, you can make fire.
6. Blogs RSS Feeds
Likewise, you must have a blog and RSS Feed associated with your site or product. It is vital that you take advantage of this technology to get your content broadcasted across the web and around the world.
RSS is only simple code that syndicates your content to all interested parties; it originally stood for "Rich Site Summary" and was a way of summarizing your content and broadcasting it. Most people now refer to RSS as Really Simple Syndication. You need a "newsreader" or aggregator such as Newsgator, Google Reader, My Yahoo! or Feed Demon to access all your feeds.
One little blog traffic tool I find helpful is John Reese's BlogRush, which helps syndicate your blog posts on other blogs.
7. Expert Marketing
Another effective way to market online or off is to promote/prove yourself as an expert in your chosen field. Creating articles, ebooks, websites on a subject that interests you will make you an expert. Once you gain credibility as an expert, your marketing will become much easier.
Some obvious places to help build this credibility would be Ezinearticles, SelfGrowth, Ideamarketers... I have found these places are excellent for getting your name and your content noticed.
8. Long Tail Niche Marketing
One of the most effective ways to market online is to use long tail keywords in your niche market. This simply means instead of targeting very general and very competitive keywords, you target less competitive long tail keywords in a smaller niche market.
I have found this tactic especially good for affiliate marketing, and the trick is to find the exact long tail phrase someone is using in the search engines and then construct content/url to match it. I find Brad Callen's Keyword Elite software program extremely helpful in finding those long tail keywords.
9. Guru Fast-track
One of the fastest and quickest ways to earn large amounts online is to hook up with big marketing GURUs and use their huge contact lists. If you have a high quality info product, then JVs (joint ventures) with these savvy marketers can be a very viable option for you to try.
These marketing gurus or experts are valuable marketing tools you can use to your advantage. Granted, their aggressive marketing methods do turn many people off, but there's no denying their methods do work.
10. Micro-List Marketing
Micro-List Building is one of the most effective online marketíng tools you can use. Quite frankly, I have found building a large opt-ín líst is not the real key to online wealth but instead creating small micro lists for each of your promoted products to be much more effective. You can have hundreds, even thousands of these different micro-lists. Use an unlímited autoresponder program like Aweber to handle and manage all these lists.
Studies have shown interested customers may not buy on the first visit, that it may take up to six or seven reminders. So keeping in contact with an interested customer, one who is looking and in the right mindset to buy, will definitely increase your sales.
Here, rather then the hard-sell, the emphasis should be on collecting contacts in order to give them helpful informative content on the product they're interested in buying. Supplying quality content should be your main goal; let the selling take care of itself. If you get the first part right, the sale will come naturally.
In conclusion, you must remember when dealing with such a complex creature as Internet marketing, in most cases there's no one single marketing tool that will do the job. Instead you need a whole orchestra of tools working together in order to make your online marketíng the most effective. So why not try some of these tools in your own online marketíng and see the results for yourself. You have everything to gain.
About The Author
The author, a former artist and teacher, is now a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites, including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest web marketing tools try: BizwareMagic or MarketingToolGuide
2008 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
To your success,
Steve(Web site coordinator),
New Internet marketing tools are coming online each and every day. Why should you care? Mainly because these new marketing tools can have a dramatic impact on your online traffic, leads and sales. So much so, your online competitiveness can greatly depend on you finding and using these new marketing tools before everyone else does.
And as Internet marketing grows more and more lucrative, it is becoming more competitive each day, so staying aware of what's happening has become vital to your online success. More importantly, if you're a full-time marketer like me, your livelihood will largely depend upon you being able to keep on top of all the new ways of marketing on the web.
With these considerations in mind, I would like to líst some new or relatively new marketing tools that have been effective for me in my online marketíng. Some of these are marketing software, others are SEO strategies, marketing tips and the like... all have helped me achieve my online goals.
Here are some new marketing tools you can try:
1. Real Link Finder
Neil Shearing's "RealLinkFinder" is a handy little link-building tool you can use to increase your link popularity and SE rankings.
It lets you find targeted blogs that don't have the "nofollow" attribute tag so your links will count in all the search engines. Great way to build targeted links related to your site's main keywords or keyword phrases. This is one "No Cost" link-building tool you should try.
2. Peel Away Ads

3. Video Marketing
Using videos as marketing tools has now become commonplace on the web. If you're not promoting with videos, you are losing a large portion of the online traffic or surfers currently on the web.
Even using videos to explain your site or product will increase your conversions and sign-ups. Viral videos embedded with your links or site url can produce results when placed on YouTube or Google Videos. If you need help, one recent commercial product has been from Simon Grabowski (GetResponse) called TalkStream, which lets you put streaming audio and video on your sites. Just google to find it.
4. Social Media Bookmarks/Tags
One of the most significant changes in recent years has been the rise in importance and use of social bookmarking sites like Digg,, Technorati... these sites are now commanding huge traffic numbers and should not be ignored in your online marketíng.
You must connect your content with these sites. This is very simple to do since social media sites use tags, which are more or less simple keywords that help classify content and links. If you're using the popular Wordpress blog software, each category will be considered a tag.
You can create a simple tag in technorati by using this code: (ignore)
a href="[tagname]" rel="tag">[tagname]
a href="" rel="tag">new marketing tools
5. Add this Button
One of the easiest ways I have found to tap into the whole social media bandwagon is to put the Addthis button on your webpages and let your visitors bookmark your content for you.
This button is free and only takes seconds to set up on your pages. In case you're wondering if this button works, I recently received 70,000 visitors to one of my sites in one day from these social media sites. Granted most of this traffic is transitory and not permanent - the huge traffic numbers will only last as long as your links/bookmarks are on the front pages of these popular sites.
But where there is smoke, you can make fire.
6. Blogs RSS Feeds
Likewise, you must have a blog and RSS Feed associated with your site or product. It is vital that you take advantage of this technology to get your content broadcasted across the web and around the world.
RSS is only simple code that syndicates your content to all interested parties; it originally stood for "Rich Site Summary" and was a way of summarizing your content and broadcasting it. Most people now refer to RSS as Really Simple Syndication. You need a "newsreader" or aggregator such as Newsgator, Google Reader, My Yahoo! or Feed Demon to access all your feeds.
One little blog traffic tool I find helpful is John Reese's BlogRush, which helps syndicate your blog posts on other blogs.
7. Expert Marketing
Another effective way to market online or off is to promote/prove yourself as an expert in your chosen field. Creating articles, ebooks, websites on a subject that interests you will make you an expert. Once you gain credibility as an expert, your marketing will become much easier.
Some obvious places to help build this credibility would be Ezinearticles, SelfGrowth, Ideamarketers... I have found these places are excellent for getting your name and your content noticed.
8. Long Tail Niche Marketing
One of the most effective ways to market online is to use long tail keywords in your niche market. This simply means instead of targeting very general and very competitive keywords, you target less competitive long tail keywords in a smaller niche market.
I have found this tactic especially good for affiliate marketing, and the trick is to find the exact long tail phrase someone is using in the search engines and then construct content/url to match it. I find Brad Callen's Keyword Elite software program extremely helpful in finding those long tail keywords.
9. Guru Fast-track
One of the fastest and quickest ways to earn large amounts online is to hook up with big marketing GURUs and use their huge contact lists. If you have a high quality info product, then JVs (joint ventures) with these savvy marketers can be a very viable option for you to try.
These marketing gurus or experts are valuable marketing tools you can use to your advantage. Granted, their aggressive marketing methods do turn many people off, but there's no denying their methods do work.
10. Micro-List Marketing
Micro-List Building is one of the most effective online marketíng tools you can use. Quite frankly, I have found building a large opt-ín líst is not the real key to online wealth but instead creating small micro lists for each of your promoted products to be much more effective. You can have hundreds, even thousands of these different micro-lists. Use an unlímited autoresponder program like Aweber to handle and manage all these lists.
Studies have shown interested customers may not buy on the first visit, that it may take up to six or seven reminders. So keeping in contact with an interested customer, one who is looking and in the right mindset to buy, will definitely increase your sales.
Here, rather then the hard-sell, the emphasis should be on collecting contacts in order to give them helpful informative content on the product they're interested in buying. Supplying quality content should be your main goal; let the selling take care of itself. If you get the first part right, the sale will come naturally.
In conclusion, you must remember when dealing with such a complex creature as Internet marketing, in most cases there's no one single marketing tool that will do the job. Instead you need a whole orchestra of tools working together in order to make your online marketíng the most effective. So why not try some of these tools in your own online marketíng and see the results for yourself. You have everything to gain.
About The Author
The author, a former artist and teacher, is now a full-time online marketer who has numerous websites, including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest web marketing tools try: BizwareMagic or MarketingToolGuide
2008 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
To your success,
Steve(Web site coordinator),
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